Cover: Samaneras in a serene mood

Our staff photographer, Saman Sri Wedage captured this serene picture of
samaneras preparing for a pooja at the Sri Dharmarakshanaramaya temple
in Mirissa, Matara. The samaneras are Bandagiriye Suwanna Soma who is
seven-years-old, Kataragama Sujanasoma who is nine-years-old and
Bandagiriye Suganasoma who is eleven years-old.
cover: Eagle-eyed friend
Our staff photographer Susantha Wijegunasekara captured this rare
picture of a lone Crested Serpent Eagle at the Wasgamuwa National park.
We give you more information about the Crested Serpent Eagle.
This large, dark brown eagle is stocky, with rounded wings and a
short tail. Its short black and white fan-shaped crest gives it athick-necked
appearance. The bare facial skin and feet are yellow. The underside is
spotted with white and yellowish-brown. When perched the wing tips do
not reach until the tail tip. In soaring flight, the broad and
paddle-shaped wings are held in a shallow V. The tail and underside of
the flight feathers are black with broad white bars.
Young birds show a lot of white on the head. The Crested Serpent
Eagle (Spilornis cheela) is an extremely rare resident of the central
forest of Singapore, where it is believed that one to two pairs still
survive. However, for the last few years the eagle was barely seen at
all. Thus the excitement it generated when the bird was recently
sighted. The eagle hunts from a high perch. It sits still until it spots
a potential prey among the grass.
The Crested Serpent Eagle breeds in southern Asia from India and Sri
Lanka to South China, south east Asia and Indonesia.
It is a forest bird which builds a stick nest in a tree near water
and lays a single egg. |