Reach for the stars: Make those dreams come true
By Lionel Wijesiri
All our dreams can come
true, if we have the courage to pursue them
Walt Disney
Walt Disney certainly was a dreamer, and his imagination and dreams
resulted in creating fairytale destinations that revolutionised the
entertainment industry and epitomised the magic of creative thinking.

You dream to blend with nature, to be yourself! You can make
the dream come true. |
Walt Disney, the dreamer, imagined things that the common person
could never have fathomed, and his example of creativity has been a
major inspiration to millions of people worldwide.
You may not be another Walt Disney, but in your own way, you have
within you an idea, a possibility and a thought that has never quite
gone away. You tell yourself it’s a childish fantasy. Perhaps it is. And
that’s precisely why you should rescue it from the shivering shadows.
This “thought that has never quite gone away” provides you with a
perspective not fully understood by those around you. You see a special
connection between certain things that others don’t quite see. This is
probably one of your ‘life messages’, a note you carry in your mind to
the rest of us.
All of us are terrified to deliver such messages. Dreamers such as
Walt Disney did not. They proved that every two-dimensional life gains
depth when its message is brought into the light. Have you, too, been
living a two-dimensional life? If you will share your secret belief,
your special perception, you can step into an exciting,
three-dimensional world. Yes, some people might think you’re a little
crazy. That’s the price you have to pay.
What they said
Are you beginning to understand what I mean when I say, “A
perspective not fully understood by those around you... a connection
between certain things that others don’t quite see?” Earl Nightingale,
the American motivational speaker and author, known as the ‘Dean of
Personal Development’, before he died, left a message. “Never give up on
a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time
will pass anyway.”
Nolan Bushnell, an American engineer and entrepreneur who founded the
famous Atari video game, adds to this message a comment of his own.
“Everyone who has ever taken a shower has had an idea. It’s the person
who gets out of the shower, dries off, and does something about it that
makes a difference.”
This is true. It’s called living.
Are you ready?
So let me ask you: Are you ready to get started? If so, you’ve got to
answer another question: Do you want to know whether you are a
successful dreamer? Judy Belmont, internationally known psychotherapist
and national speaker on mental and emotional well-being gives a few
habits which seem to be the determining factors of how resilient you
are, as a dreamer. Check yourself!

Your dream home! Why let it remain a dream? |
*Are you flexible? Successful dreamers know when it is time to let go
of one dream and trade it for another. They realise that some dreams
just don’t come true, and even if they do, those dreams might not turn
out the way they had hoped or expected. Successful dreamers do not see
it as defeat, but rather as a foundation for conjuring up new dreams
that fit them better now based on the experience.
*Can you keep your senses intact? While you can let your imagination
soar, you should not lose your senses and sensibilities. You can plan,
work, and execute your dreams, but do not expect quick fixes that will
magically transform your life. You need to plod along in reaching for
your dream, realising that your dreams take a lot of work and effort.
*Do you understand real happiness? Successful dreamers do not have
pre-conditions to happiness. They realise the process is just as
important as the final product. Happiness comes from within and even if
you achieve your wildest dreams on the outside, you must realise that
attitude will make or break your life adjustment.
*Do you put all your dreams in one basket? Successful dreamers do not
have ‘all or nothing’ thinking. They have already made peace with the
fact that life is not often fair, and do not expect that the stars will
align properly and all their dreams will come true, despite their best
efforts. They also realise that even if a dream comes true, it might not
be what they really wanted or needed.
*Do you know that disappointments in life are stepping stones towards
success? Successful dreamers make mosaics or stepping stones out of the
broken pieces of their dreams rather than give up altogether. Instead of
being miserable with so many broken pieces of dreams, they
enthusiastically work with what they have, to replace an old dream with
a new one that is more within their reach.
*Can you love to learn and use your ‘Inner GPS’? As their dreams
evolve and take new shapes, successful dreamers keep learning lessons of
what did and did not work in pursuing their dreams. They build on the
experiences of what they learned as their dreams take shape. They
constantly are recalibrating themselves like a GPS. They are sensitive
to the fact that their dreams are taking them on a detour, and they
readjust accordingly.
*Can you propel by courage rather than be crippled by fear? Some
cling to dreams out of fear, and others pursue dreams with courage.
Those who are too needy and clingy to their dreams are often
disappointed as the dream, even if they attained it, did not give them
the security and confidence they had hoped for. Old fears are replaced
by new ones. On the other hand, Successful dreamers are courageous souls
who possess the seeds of resilience that they can weather the missteps
along the way.
*Can you move past the past? Successful dreamers don’t live in the
land of ‘what ifs’ and ‘if only’. They are not blinded by the future or
blindsided by their past - they focus on how they can achieve their
dreams without putting their lives on hold. They plan for tomorrow,
learn from the past, but live in today!
*Can you seek support from others? Those who seek help from others
that support your dreams are much more resilient than ‘loners’ who
isolate themselves. They seek people who do not feel threatened by their
growth, and refuse to cling to people out of fear and insecurity.
Rather, their relationships enhance their ability to dream, not stifle
Dreaming is great. However, nothing really happens until you wake up.
Are you ready to wake up and do something? Are you willing to put in the
work which will eventually take you to be a winner? If so, what are you
waiting for? If you crave change, if you yearn for excitement, and if
you’ve got this big dream growing within you like a secret tropical
garden, just make it happen! |