Asian giants stand by Sri Lanka against foreign conspiracies
By K.M.H.C.B. Kulatunga
Russia, China and Iran have expressed their overwhelming support for
Sri Lanka against international conspiracies that are hatched in the
West. It is an inspiration that the Asian giants are standing strong
beside Sri Lanka as the unity in the region would be important to beat
Western conspiracies.
Children at the rebuilt
Jaffna library. |
More and more stories are being cooked up in the West to strengthen
the US Resolution against Sri Lanka to the UNHRC Sessions in Geneva next
month. The US has already said that they are bringing the third
successive resolution to the UN human rights watchdog in order to 'help'
Sri Lanka.
While appreciating the US 'help' we wish to inform them that that
there are enough and more ways of helping Sri Lanka, if they are
sincere, honest and transparent with their acts.
Many countries in the West made a big hue and cry immediately after
the humanitarian operations in the East and the North. First they shed
buckets of crocodile tear after the entire Eastern Province was
liberated from the clutches of the LTTE terror, ending untold misery of
over 200,000 people. Many had doubts whether Sri Lanka could resettle
all those who had been displaced.
But the local mechanism was well prepared to face the challenge and
all civilians liberated from the East were resettled in double quick
time. Similarly, the international community, especially those in the
West, showed undue interest over the plight of nearly 300,000 people
displaced after the humanitarian operation in the North.
But the Government set new world standards in resettlement after
conflict situations. All those who were liberated from the North too
were resettled within a few years after successful demining operations.
When the Government appealed for help in its effort to resettle
people in the North and the East and develop infrastructure facilities
for those civilians who had been at the receive end of the LTTE terror,
only a few countries came to help us. None of those so-called godfathers
of human rights who often weep buckets of crocodile tears, never came
forward to give a helping hand to the Government's effort to find a
better tomorrow for those hapless civilians.
However, the Government with the support of a few friendly countries,
rose to the occasion and met the challenge, found houses for the
displaced, completed the demining process, developed infrastructure
facilities and restored peace not only in the North and the East but in
the entire country.
Western pressure
But a couple of countries in the West keep on harping on the human
rights of the LTTE terrorists killed in action. It is crystal clear that
the Resolution against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC is not for the people in
the North and the East but to tame the Sri Lanka's leadership which does
not dance the fandango to the melody of the West.
These Western countries know that the current leadership in Sri Lanka
would never bow down to the Western pressure. Though they want to get
rid of the current leadership in Sri Lanka, they are unable to do so
within the democratic framework of Sri Lanka.
Moreover, people in Sri Lanka would never approve of ejecting
governments through undemocratic means. Hence, the West has no potion
but t0 intimidate the Government and Sri Lanka though resolutions.
If the US wants to sincerely help Sri Lanka with an open mind, they
could still play in several vital areas such as providing shelter,
sanitary facilities, livelihood projects etc. Hence, they need not bring
resolutions after resolutions to the UNHRC to 'help' Sri Lanka.
The so-called big countries in the West have used human rights, media
freedom and good governance as effective tools to tames the regimes
which does not agree to anything and everything what they say. When
these Western prophets finds that a so-called small country cannot be
remote-controlled and that their leaders do not dance to the Western
melody, they draw human rights, media freedom and good governance as
'arms' to tame those 'disobeying' regimes.
Rule of law
But if a leadership of a country say yes to anything and everything
that is ordered by the West, even grave human rights violations of those
countries are conveniently forgotten. Countries that pride themselves on
being democracies and respecting the rule of law have not set an
example, far from it.
Media freedom and right for information and expression are too often
sacrificed to an overly broad and abusive interpretation of national
security needs, marking a disturbing retreat from democratic practices.
Though the US has been pontificating to us on media freedom and right
for information, they have not set a shining example to others. By the
way it has conducted and practiced what they preach, they have no moral
right to pontificate on media freedom. The Reporters Without Borders,
registering the disturbing trend in the United States, declares; "This
has been the case in the United States (46th), which fell 13 places, one
of the most significant declines, amid increased efforts to track down
whistleblowers and the sources of leaks. The trial and conviction of
Private Bradley Manning and the pursuit of NSA analyst Edward Snowden
were warnings to all those thinking of assisting in the disclosure of
sensitive information that would clearly be in the public interest".
Classified information
The Global Report gives examples within the United States: "US
journalists were stunned by the Department of Justice's seizure of
Associated Press phone records without warning in order to identify the
source of a CIA leak. It served as a reminder of the urgent need for a
"shield law" to protect the confidentiality of journalists' sources at
the federal level. The revival of the legislative process is little
consolation for James Risen of The New York Times, who is subject to a
court order to testify against a former CIA employee accused of leaking
classified information.
And less still for Barrett Brown, a young freelance journalist facing
105 years in prison in connection with the posting of information that
hackers obtained from Statfor, a private intelligence company with close
ties to the federal government."
It adds: "The 2014 World Press Freedom Index spotlights the negative
impact of conflicts on freedom of information and its protagonists. The
ranking of some countries has also been affected by a tendency to
interpret national security needs in an overly broad and abusive manner
to the detriment of the right to inform and be informed.
This trend constitutes a growing threat worldwide and is even
endangering freedom of information in countries regarded as
The US Government's handling of whistle-blower Edward Snowden, the
National Security Agency leaks and the investigation of a string of
leaks produced a plunge in the country's rating on press freedoms and
government openness, the latest global survey said last week.
Reference tool
The US, under President Barrack Obama, who once promised to run the
"most transparent" administration in the country's history, fell from
32nd to 46th in the 2014 World Press Freedom Index, a drop of 13 slots.
Compiled by the press advocacy group Reporters Without Borders, the
index analyses 180 countries on criteria such as official abuse, media
independence and infrastructure to determine how free journalists are to
"The World Press Freedom Index is a reference tool that is based on
seven criteria: the level of abuses, the extent of pluralism, media
independence, the environment and self-censorship, the legislative
framework, transparency and infrastructure," Reporters Without Borders
secretary-general Christophe Deloireb was quoted as saying.
According to the Global Report the United States, which preaches
freedom of expression to other nations such as Sri Lanka has failed the
test. "It makes governments face their responsibilities by providing
civil society with an objective measure, and provides international
bodies with a good governance indicator to guide their decisions." The
report adds.
The 2014 report by Reporters Without Borders further says the
superpower - meaning the United States - who for a long time was the
embodiment of an established democracy where civil liberties reign
supreme unfortunately in reality falls far short of this.
It is deplorable that none of the local media has highlighted the
deteriorating trend in the US as far as the press freedom is concerned.
If Sri Lanka has faced such decline, the local media would have gone to
town. Even the pro-US international media and main global news agencies
keep a low profile on the US's unimpressive rating.
Measures taken by the leadership and the people of Sri Lanka to
overcome post-terrorism challenges have been hailed by Russia. Goodwill
and national movement towards reconciliation and economic restoration
will strengthen national harmony.
Some countries often threaten or imply sanctions against other
countries which they consider to be violators of human rights. Those
sanctions only increase the suffering of people and contribute to
aggravating their situation.
Everyone must firmly uphold general principles of technical
assistance in human rights promotion. It must be provided on request of
the state concerned and politically neutral. No state must be forced to
accept technical assistance, unless they are willing to do so.
All right-thinking people in the international community would
undoubtedly rejects threats, intimidations or implying sanctions against
other countries considering those to be human rights violators. Although
human rights could be a legitimate concern of the international
community, they must not be used as a pretext for interference in
internal affairs or, even worse, use of force.
Not impartial
The conduct of the UN, particularly in the field of promotion and
protection of human rights, must be conducted in strict accordance with
the international law. No violation of the UN charter or attempt to
undermine norms and principles of the international law may be justified
by any cause, whatever it is - political considerations,economic
interests, human rights or anything else. It is a pity that the UN human
rights machinery experiences a number of problems. The most prominent of
them is lack of trust as the UNHRC has failed to conduct in an impartial
manner. It is obvious that UNHRC chief Navi Pillay has had presumptions
in certain matters pertaining to Sri Lanka. The UNHRC must immediately
restore this trust. In order to do so, it is necessary to firmly
introduce the principle of cooperation in the work of the UN human
rights dimension. An international dialogue in the sphere of human
rights is infested with politicisation and double standards.
Although human rights could be a legitimate concern of international
community, they must not be used as a pretext for interference in
internal affairs or, even worse, use of force. As Russia has quite
rightly pointed out, no country is totally free of human rights
Hence, all right-thinking leaders in the international community
should strongly reject the practice of teaching, naming and shaming
which actually discredits human rights cause. |