Searching for our hidden talents
Talent isn’t rare. They say our world overflows
with worthy talent that continues day-to-day unrecognised. We all
have them, but we are not always so good at identifying what they
are. Sometimes they can be right in front of us, and we miss them.
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Herodotus, the Father of History
History is the study of or a record of past
events considered together, especially events of a particular
period, country or subject. Sri Lankans have a right to boast of a
2,000-year-old history. The Mahavamsa records the beginnings of our
history and its gradual expansion to the present period.
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Thorns on the Side
Cashless travel
Way back in the 1990s, when mobile telephony was
still in its infancy, several companies introduced Payphones which
were installed at every important junction. While it was possible to
use Rs.2 coins to operate the machines, they introduced a novel
method that made it easier to place calls and control your spending-
pre-paid cards.
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