Wayamba University readies for Deyata Kirula exhibition
By Shirajiv Sirimane
It is a known fact that a University pass mark has been set for GCE
Advanced level students. This is because the government-funded
University Education system could cope up with a limited number of
vacancies that are available.
The government has been trying to bridge this gap by introducing more
universities and increasing facilities to lower the pass mark and allow
more students to gain university entrance. The investment made by the
government to the University Education system is now paying dividends
today with the increased number of University intakes.
The 2014 Deyata Kirula exhibition which is being held in Kuliyapitiya
while helping to add more infrastructure to the province has also helped
universities to have more facilities.
Commencing as an Affiliated University College, thereafter as the
Wayamba Campus of the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka and presently
having the status of a national university, this Institution has
successfully faced many challenges along the way and is now in a
position to compete with reputed Universities in Sri Lanka.
Prof. S.J.B.A. Jayasekera,
Vice-Chancellor of the University |
"Thanks to hosting the Deyata Kirula exhibition the University is now
well on its way to achieving its vision of becoming a centre of
excellence in higher education in Sri Lanka," said Prof. S.J.B.A.
Jayasekera, Vice-Chancellor of the University.
The eighth Deyata Kirula National Development Program commenced
officially last June at Wayamba University under the patronage of
Hambantota MP Namal Rajapaksa, after laying the foundation stone in the
University premises. The chairman of Deyata Kirula Committee, Minister
Ranjith Siyambalapitiya, Higher Education Minister S.B. Dissanayake and
Minister Anura Piyadarshana Yapa were also present at the foundation
stone laying ceremony.
Massive construction works are being carried out in the Wayamba
University for the Deyata Kirula exhibition, which includes the
construction of an Auditorium, an Indoor Stadium, a Nano-Technology
Laboratory, and the Student Centre. Few more permanent buildings are
being constructed in the Technical College and Kuliyapitiya Central
College for the exhibition. "The government planned to construct
permanent buildings for the exhibition this time, which could be
utilised by the three educational institutes after the exhibition."

Auditorium - side view |

Gymnasium |
Student centre |
Prof. S.J.B.A. Jayasekera said that the air conditioned auditorium
that is being constructed and ready for the exhibition would be the
biggest in the region and it could accommodate over 1,000 guests. "This
alone costs over Rs. 250 million and such a structure was beyond the
dreams of our management and the students."
Nano technology is the future of the world and the government
realising this has also invested Rs. 30 million to build a
Nano-Technology Laboratory. "This saw an investment of Rs. 30 million".
A student centre and a hostel too is built and this would help
increase the intake of the University by another 15%. "It would also
help to have more than 100 more employment opportunities from the higher
academic level to lower levels.
"Three of the other key developments are the two libraries, one each
for Makandura and Kuliyapitiya and ICT centre that are shaping up. This
is fulfilling a great void for the University."
The Campus also saw another major development with over 15 km being
widened and re-laid with carpets.
"Even the existing buildings were repainted and this alone would be a
saving of over Rs. 5 million."
One of the biggest problems faced in the University and in the area
was lack of drinking water facilities and this problem has been resolved
with the building of a water tank by the national water supply and
drainage board.

Nano laboratory |

Auditorium |
This has cost over Rs. five million. "If the Deyata Kirula exhibition
was not hosted in Kuliyapitiya this important infrastructure could not
have been made possible for at least another 15 years," he said.
He said that the young blood on the University knows the value of
hosting the exhibition here and have been more than supportive for the
developments that are taking place at the university."
During the early construction there were a lot of workers in the
Campus premises, dust, noise and heavy machinery and the students never
protested as they were briefed about these developments.
They knew they had to do a small sacrifice for a better future not
only for them but even for other students in the future."
Campus history
During the first few months of 1991, the University Grants Commission
in collaboration with relevant universities examined the viability of
Kuliyapitiya Technical College, to be established as an Affiliated
University College in the North Western Province.
Subsequently, the idea was mooted to seek some premises within the
Kurunegala municipal limits, as the space available at the Kuliyapitiya
Technical College was deemed to be inadequate.
Subsequently, seven acres of land that belonged to the Divisional
Engineer's Office on the Vidyala Mawatha, including the buildings
thereon, together with two other buildings that belonged to the
Department of Buildings were earmarked to be taken over to establish the
proposed Affiliated University of the North Western Province.
After the officers of the Divisional Engineering Office vacated the
premises in 1991, the renovation of the existing buildings, effecting
necessary changes to suit the University Courses of Study and the
requirements of the University administration, were undertaken.
After the renovation of buildings, a University College, named as the
Affiliated University College of the North Western Province [AUC-NWP]
was ceremonially opened in 1991, together with the other Colleges of the
Affiliated University College System of Sri Lanka. On completion of the
Foundation Courses of studies for the students of the Agricultural
Section, conducted at the Affiliated University Premises at
Kuliyapitiya, they were transferred to the Makandura Centre on 1992.
"I am proud to state that the employability of our graduates is at a
very high rate with some Faculties recording 100% success."
The infrastructure that was added due to the Deyata Kirula exhibition
is well over Rs. 700 million and once again I want to say that this
would never have been possible for the university if not for the
assistance we got from Deyata Kirula. Now with the assistance of the
Ministry of Higher education we are looking at building a swimming pool
and also a synthetic track."
"In addition we are also looking at introducing new education
courses," he said. |