An invaluable resource book for literature and fine arts
Sahithya Saha Saundarya
Kalave Daarshanika Sankalpa
Author: Vijitha Welagedara
Publisher: Sooriya Publishing House
Reviewed by Prof. E.A. Gamini Fonseka
For the Sri Lankan reader of literature and fine arts, Saahithya saha
Saundarya Kalave Daarshanika Sankalpa – (philosophical Concepts in
Literature and Aesthetics) by Vijitha Welagedara is an invaluable guide
to the epistemological and ontological aspects of the arts that are
realised in the world today in multifarious forms depending on the
respective material – device continua (Victor Zchirmusky 1985) in which
now they make progress as scholarly disciplines.
Be it verbal, visual, kinetic, musical, dramatic, plastic,
industrial, textile, cosmetic or culinary art, the sustainability of it
depends on new creations, experiments, advancements, interpretations,
appreciations, directions and extensions that are carried out from a
strong theoretical stance. Any success achieved in any of these arts
owes to the exercises carried out within a well-developed theoretical
The requirement of a book of this sort arises in an instance when
such a theoretical framework is to be developed. Welagedara has
perceived the challenges the Sinhala reader would be faced with in this
concern while formulating his book. He has referred to the philosophical
concepts developed in the western world, where aesthetic and literary
appreciation was nourished by a galaxy of eminent philosophers who have
made contributions to the western thought in different eras throughout
the period from the ancient classical times to the neoclassical and
modern times.
Philosophical perception
Welagedara’s book is composed of 21 discussions developed into 21
chapters divided between literature and aesthetics. It begins with an
introductory address on the philosophical perception of truth-fiction
dichotomy in creative literature, painting and sculpture as interpreted
by French surrealist writer and ethnographer Julien Michel Leiris
(1972), who makes a strong claim about the human mind’s eternal quest
for meaning in everything, and by the German philosopher Emmanuel Kant,
who analyses the sublime in terms of imaginative activity.
Welagedara tries to establish here that literature and art represent
life rather than history. His next topic, ‘The classification of
literature as fiction and nonfiction’, with reference to Ludwig
Wittgenstein and Paul Feyerabend, deals with the ways in which facts are
realised under subjectivity. This is followed by an exploration of the
aesthetic value of art and language where, in developing an approach to
aesthetic appreciation, he introduces the defined features of a number
of disciplines such as linguistics, semiotics, semantics and pragmatics
as postulated by a group of modern philosophers, including Y.Y. Bassin,
Ernest Cassirer, Pierce Dewey, Carl Morris and Karl Marx. By analysing
the creative works of Martin Wickremasinghe and Ediriweera Sarachchandra
within their critical framework he relates its applicability in the
appreciation of Sri Lankan literature.
Under the topic ‘Wittgenstein and analytical aesthetics’, he starts
another discussion with a focus on semiotics and ends it, shedding light
on Morris Weitz’s emphasis on the function of aesthetics as “the
elucidation of the criteria for the correct use of concepts”. Then he
moves into a domain more profound than the technical, through a
discussion of “The Philosophy of Art and Benedetto Croce”.
His effort in this case concentrates on Croce’s expressionism
developed from German philosopher Wilhelm Hegel’s phenomenological views
about spirit. Welagedara exemplifies the application of the theoretical
basis of Crocian expressionism through a comment on how ancient Sinhala
classics such as Buthsarana and Puujawaliya could be appreciated under
it. His discussion of “R.A. Collinwood’s Interpretation of Crocian
principles” draws attention to the pro-Hegel Collinwood’s confirmation
of the did active value of the Crocian theories. Welagedara, an
educationist himself, demonstrates here the relevance of aesthetics to
education through Collinwood’s idealism.
The direction of the book healthily changes in the chapter titled as
“Neo-Realistic Philosophy propounded on Symbolism and Art” that focuses
on Alfred North Whitehead’s theories of symbolism and realization. The
discussion exemplifies the application of his theories in the graphic
description of reality in both literature and the other art forms.
Welagedara beautifully connects this to the aesthetic vision of the
Therawadhi School of Buddhism and the arts of the Sinhalese. He furthers
the wisdom of symbolism through a discussion of the “Symbolic Structure
of Art”.
Incorporating Ernst Cassirer’s Neo-Kantian views about art,
Welagedara discusses the symbolic form, the pure form, and the beauty of
art as the major themes of artistic perception. A climax in the new
trend the book takes shows up in the discussion of “The contemporary
Sinhala literature and psychoanalysis” where Welagedara demonstrates
Freudian psychological concepts in Sinhala literature produced under the
influence of Western novelists such as D.H Lawrence.
The discussion of “The novel culminated in the twentieth century”
unfolds, defining the sociological path the Sinhala novelists such as
Martin Wickremasinghe took under the influence of Sinhala Buddhist
values despite their exposure to the psychological path that had been
taken by novelists such as D.H. Lawrence whose characters are very much
driven by deep psychological tendencies. Welagedara acknowledges here
Wickremasinghe’s adoption of the functional basis of the Russian novel
rather than that of the Western novel. He justifies the trend of the
Sinhala novel in the discussion of “The philosophy of art and Giovanni
Gentile” where he draws attention to Gentile’s emphasis on the empirical
nature of the arts that sheds light on their morality and immortality.
Welagedara continues this discussion under the title “Art, language
and natural beauty” and relates how the traditional Sinhala artists and
poets drew parallels with Renaissance masters such as Leonardo da Vinci,
who always maintained in their creations a deep sense of faithfulness to
The trajectory of Welagedara’s book becomes clear in the series of
discussions beginning with the topic “Art is a savior” where he draws
attention to the purgatory element in Aristotle’s definition of the
tragedy that helped to resolve the conflict between religion and art by
refuting various theological allegations against art. The study of
“Catharsis as an aim of literature” that follow it, comprehensively
foregrounds the position of Gentile that “all poetry and art should
culminate in emancipation.”
Under a very intelligent scrutiny of Gentile’s observations,
Welagedara further attempts to establish under the topic “Consolation of
Art” the spiritual consolation that art can provide as efficiently as
religion, in terms of introducing the potential of art in the ancient
classical Greek philosophy – the affected,t he extravagant, the
burlesque, the bombastic, and the erotic.
Welagedara infuses the classical and modern theoretical positions
about art adopted from the West with the Buddhist perspective vivid in
the art and literature of Sri Lanka in the next discussion, “Historical
Summary of Aesthetics”. He uses this as a stage to analyse how the
Sinhala artist’s or writer’s perception of the Sammuthiparamaththa
(convention-reality) dichotomy in the truth as explained in the Buddhist
philosophy has helped to engender through his energies a feeling that
ensures the consumer’s consolation, amelioration, enlightenment and
The moralistic trend of art introduced in the previous discussions
receives a more concrete definition in the discussions of “Artistic
transformation and Susan Langer” where Welagedara projects Langer’s
warning about the danger caused to a culture by the absence of it
inherent life symbols. He supports the arguments raised in this concern
with Clive Bell’s interpretation of beauty of a piece of art as its
significant form, L.A. Reid’s explanation to beauty as expressiveness,
and Roger Fry’s identification of the subtlety of beauty.
Then he moves on to a discussion of “expressionism music” where, with
reference to W.M. Urban’s interpretation of music as an “extra-special
abbreviated language” he demonstrates how language retains its musical
character through onomatopoetic and symbolic potentials of words. The
discussion of “The origin art” nurtured on Karl Bucher’s book Arbeit und
Rhuthmus accommodates a portrait of the traditional Sinhala folk poetry
and the seminal influence it received from the music of the life world
as a regenerative source of entertainment.
From the traditional Sinhala occupational song, Welagedara moves onto
his last discussion, “The Marxist-Leninist philosophy of art and
aesthetics”. He appreciates there the Marxist-Leninist interpretation of
the utilitarian value of art in satisfying the occupational, political,
legal, moral, and aesthetic needs of life and the Marxist-Leninist ideal
of deriving the influence of art in expanding the spiritualist horizons
of the human.
Circuitous path
Welagedara thus takes his reader in a circuitous path various
philosophical perceptions and conceptions of aesthetics and literature
to enlighten him on the fundamentals of an articulate framework of
classical aesthetics useful in both the appreciation as well as
production of art and literature. However deep and complex are the
philosophical concepts he has dealt with, his lucid Sinhala makes them
very pleasant read. The hallmark of his success lies in his thorough
perception of the works he refers to and the meticulous deskwork he has
carried out in the formulation of his chapters. Although they deal with
different concepts they all contribute to a single line of argument that
emphasises the Marxist expectation for the expansion of spiritual
What Welagedara has missed in connection with postmodernist theories
of aesthetics has been somewhat slightly signposted by Judge Saman
Wickremarachchi, who has provided a thought-provoking preface, focusing
on ideas from Jacque Derida and Gayathri C Spivak, and signalling that
there is so much to come in, in terms of contemporary literary and
aesthetic philosophy nurtured by Jacque Lacan and Slavoj Zizek. Maybe
Welagedara will have a second volume to address the challenge posed by
it. Based on its virtues as depicted above, I warmly recommend this book
as a very useful resource for the Sinhala reader of literature and fine
The writer is Professor in English, Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences, University of Ruhuna. |