Teachers serving for over 10 years to be transferred
by S.M. Wijayaratne, Kurunegala Cor.
The Ministry of Education has decided to transfer all teachers in the
361 national schools who have served in the same school continuously for
over 10 years.
The transfers would be carried out as per the recommendations of the
Teachers' Transfering Boards that were set up at district level.
Except on humanitarian grounds, all the others would be served with
transferred orders in the near future.
Teachers could forward their appeals.
However, if teachers refuse to accept transfers, disregarding
instructions of the Ministry of Education, their salaries will be
withheld, according to the latest decisions taken by the Ministry of
Education, W.M. Balasooriya, Director of Education said at a meeting of
school heads of the Kurunegala district at Bingiriya National School