Doctors remove 2kg tumour from woman's neck after 20 years
15 Feb daily mail
A woman astounded doctors after she turned up at hospital with a
football-sized tumour on her neck which weighed two kilograms. Joyce
Haigh, 79, had been living with the tumour - thought to be the largest
ever reported in the UK - for an incredible 20 years.Mr Muhamad
Quraishi, the ear, nose and throat surgeon who removed the tumour during
a five-hour operation at Doncaster Royal Infirmary, said it was the
largest growth he'd seen during his 20-year career.
Mrs Haigh, from Thorne, near Doncaster, South Yorkshire, said she
hadn't realised the size of the tumour until doctors showed it to her in
a mirror.She said: 'I know I should have done something sooner about the
tumour, but I wasn't in any pain and, I am ashamed to say, I was afraid
to go to the doctors about it.'Now though, I wouldn't hesitate to see a
doctor about anything, and would encourage people who may be
experiencing health problems of any kind to get help right away, because
the people at the hospital are fantastic.
'My husband George, our nephews and nieces were all worried when the
lump started getting bigger. 'I could cope with it when it was small but
over the years it just grew and I suppose in the end I feared the
Then on October 13, Mr Haigh insisted his wife saw a doctor when the
growth started to bleed.Mrs Haigh said: 'I saw Mr Quraishi before
Christmas, and he was wonderful. He showed me the photos of the side
view of the lump which I had not seen before.
It was at that point that I realised just how bad it was.'I was
frightened of having the operation, but actually everything was fine.
They took two biopsies and although I do need further treatment, I'm
just so glad the lump has gone.'I plan to get back to being normal
again, buy some new clothes and enjoy life. She added: 'The operation
has given me a new lease of life as I can go out now without worrying
about people staring at me. 'The staff at Doncaster Royal Infirmary were
marvellous and I can't thank them enough.'Mr Quraishi said: 'In the
whole of my 20-year medical career, I can honestly say that I have never
seen or treated such a massive tumour.'
The operation itself was quite challenging and I am happy with the
outcome and that the operation was a complete success.'