MTI and Hilton to improve business journalism
MTI Consulting and the Colombo Hilton have teamed up to improve
business journalism in Sri Lanka, with the launch of the MTI-Hilton
Business Journalism Forum. This will be a monthly thought leadership
forum at which MTI will engage the business journalist on a diverse
range of business management challenges and opportunities.
"Sri Lanka is experiencing an unprecedented economic growth phase,
which is translating into business opportunities and challenges. Being
at the heart of this growth story, we in the hospitality industry, felt
that Hilton needs to support this much needed initiative to improve
standards of business journalism," said Hilton GM Manesh Fernando.
"With hands-on consulting experience and thought leadership work in
over 40 countries and across a diverse range of industries, MTI will
'translate' these learnings to improve business journalism in Sri Lanka
via these monthly fora on contemporary topics," said MTI, CEO Hilmy
Cader. Hilton welcomes guests in more than 540 hotels and resorts in 78
countries across six continents. MTI is an internationally-networked
boutique management consultancy that enables clients to 'analyse and
strategise and realise' profitable business opportunities. MTI advises
clients on strategy, re-structuring, corporate finance, HRM and
marketing, while the services include research, analytics and executive
search. |