Many countries have celebrated World Oceans Day following the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, which was held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The oceans are essential to food security and the health and survival of all life, power our climate and are a critical part of the biosphere. The official designation of World Oceans Day is an opportunity to raise global awareness of the current challenges faced by the international community in connection with the oceans. Facts about the oceanNearly half of the world's inhabitants live within 100 miles of a coast. More than one billion people rely on fish as their primary source of protein. Healthy reefs and mangrove habitats are proven buffers, protecting coastal communities from damage from storms and other catastrophic events, such as tidal waves or tsunami. Without effective action, the world may lose 70 percent of its coral reefs by 2050. The ocean is the largest carbon sink The ocean and its resources are deteriorating and depleting as it faces increasing pressure from various types of pollution and over-exploitation. Business as usual scenarios for CO2 emissions could make the ocean up to 150 percent more acidic by 2100, placing the entire food chain and key ecosystems such as coral reefs under threat. The United Nations will celebrate World Ocean Day 2014 and recognise the winners of the Annual World Oceans Day Oceanic Photo Competition at an event on June 9, 2014 at United Nations Headquarters. The celebration of World Oceans Day coincides with the first day of the twenty-fourth meeting of the Meeting of State Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. This year, also marks the twentieth anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention. Today people in communities around the globe celebrate this year's World Oceans Day with the theme "Together we have the power to protect the ocean." Hundreds of events are planned to help people get involved in solutions for a healthy ocean and society by supporting clean energy choices, trash-free coasts and beaches and sustainable seafood.
Oil spills and dumping of ship generated waste in the ocean is causing serious environmental and economic damage which has become a frequent occurrence. In the light of developments in maritime activities, Sri Lanka faces a greater risk of oil spills. Thus the need to strengthen preparedness, awareness and capacity building to meet such risks is considered imperative. Protection of the marine and coastal environment from pollution is of high priority for Sri Lanka. Oil spills have the potential to cause serious adverse impact on marine environment. It is not always possible to prevent oil spills occurring and thus the occasional need arises to face the consequences of oil spills. Marine pollution is a subject the responsibility of which is vested in the Minister in Charge of the subject of "Environment". The Marine Pollution Prevention Act has designated the Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) as the Agency responsible for marine pollution prevention related activity. Formulation and implementation of National Oil Spill Contingency Plan is one of its more important functions. World Ocean Day is a time to celebrate our common treasure. As a small island nation ocean resources are important to us and we depend on ocean resources. It is our duty to protect ocean resources for future generations. The Marine Environment Protection Authority is the mandated agency to prevent marine pollution in Sri Lankan waters and to protect marine resources. Connect with your family, friends, community, and the entire planet today to take action and create the future you want. Working together, we can and will protect our shared ocean!