With entire province teeming with nature's beauty:
Uva, another paradise
By P. Krishnaswamy

Panoramic view of the Puhulwatta Reservoir. |

The completed new building for the Moneragala Kachcheri. |

The three-storeyed main bus terminal in Badulla under
construction. |
process of the Bomuru Ella Irrigation project. |
The Uva province is a one-of-a- kind place, with one of the world's
best climates found in Bandarawela with hundreds of tourist resorts, the
breathtaking Haputale-Beregala and Ella gaps which are nature's
grandeur, the hill town of Badulla surrounded by ranges of mountains and
hills on all sides with and a mild climate, the jungles of Mahiyangana
which are home to the aboriginals and wildlife, the Yala wildlife
sanctuary, the Kataragama shrine which draws pilgrims from all over the
world, the wonderful waterfalls such as the Diyaluma, Dunhinda and
Ravana Ella and many other picturesque tourist destinations. Anyone will
find a visit to the region an amazing experience.
Important tourist destinations like the Horton Plains National Park
with the World's End, the famous Edison Bungalow built over 100 years
ago by the colonial rulers and the 80-foot Boogoda 'Lee Palama' (Timber
bridge) constructed by King Walagamba are all located in the Uva
Although the province has been lagging behind in development and
socio-economic standards for many years since independence, the
situation has changed completely under the UPFA administration headed by
President Mahinda Rajapaksa. With the multifarious development programs
already implemented and the many more now under implementation, the
province is now on par with the other provinces and is fast transforming
as a hive of economic, industrial and livelihood activities.
The Government has allocated Rs. 5 billion for development activities
in the Moneragala and Badulla districts this year. According to the
planning directors of the two districts, the government has allocated Rs.
1,938 Mn for the Moneragala district and Rs. 3,246 Mn for the Badulla
district for development activities.
Moneragala District Secretary A. Pathinathan said that the new
Secretariat building for the Moneragala district constructed at a cost
of Rs. 578 Mn to render a more efficient service to the public will be
opened by President Mahinda Rajapaksa next month.
A dedicated economic zone with all modern facilities, similar to the
one at Dambulla, will be established at Buttala at a cost of Rs. 500 Mn.
This will serve as a marketing centre for the agricultural products of
the farmers of Wellawaya, Ampara, Siyambalanduwa, Badulla, Kataragama
and other neighbouring agricultural areas. An ice factory will be opened
at Buttala, with fundings from the Ministry of Economic Development, for
the benefit of fishermen engaged in inland freshwater fisheries, the DS
A coordinating office of Irrigation and Water Resources Management
Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva is functioning at the Badulla
Secretariat building, monitoring some of the development programs
already implemented and some under implementation and also assisting the
public. The Minister's Coordinating Officer Gunapala Illeyapperuma
provided all the details relating to major development works.
The Badulla District Hospital has been upgraded and Minister Nimal
Siripala de Silva's ambition to make it a teaching hospital is now under
consideration. The estimated cost of Rs. 20,000 Mn for the establishment
of the Uva Wellassa University has been approved by the Government. The
work has already started, including acquisition of land and putting up
the buildings.
The foundation stones for
the Hali-Ela water project being laid by Minister Nimal Siripala
de Silva, Minister Dinesh Gunawardana and Uva Governor Nanda
Maththew. |
The courses conducted at the university are employment-oriented and
over 6000 students will receive education in the university, once
completed. Already a large number of students are receiving education in
the completed units of the university. Since the courses are
employment-oriented, the placements of the students, after their
convocation, are assured. In fact, there are employers waiting to absorb
them into employment, Illeyapperuma said. A significant aspect of the
university administration is that no ragging will be permitted under any
circumstances, he said. Self-employment courses are also provided under
the academic programs of the university , he said. Consequent to the
university project, land value has gone up several folds in the region,
he said. The postal sector is being modernised in the Badulla district.
The Badulla post office will have an auditorium with a/c and seating
facilities for 750. An amount of Rs. 600 Mn has been allocated for the
project. All bus terminals in the district have also been renovated and
modernised at an expenditure of Rs. 300 Mn, he said.
New buildings have been constructed for the bus terminals at
Kandegedera, Kahataruppa, Demodera, Attampitiya, Pattiyagoda, Madulsima
and Buwakgodumulla, he said. About 50 health clinics have been
established in the entire district. The Nelungama water project has been
completed at an expenditure of Rs. 500 Mn for providing safe drinking
water to the population of the entire Badulla district, he said. The
Muthiyangana sacred city project is being completed with a new Vihara,
more new roads and a parapet wall at an expenditure of Rs. 100 Mn.
Carpeting of roads to an extent of 25 km has already been completed and
carpeting of another 25 km will be done this year, he said.
The 'Jana Udana Gammana' project of the Ministry of Housing has been
implemented in Haputale, Diyatalawa, Mahiyangana, Giranduru Kotte,
Dehiyattakandiya, Passara, Welimada and Bandarawela. New buildings and
ambulances have been provided to all rural hospitals, he said.
Over 50 dispensaries that were functioning under the estate
managements without qualified doctors or nurses have been taken over by
the Government and are now functioning with qualified MBBS doctors, para
medics, nurses and labs, providing a much better health service to the
people of the plantations. Under the infrastructure development program,
the Ratnapura - Badulla Road and the Mahiyangana - Badulla Road have
been carpeted while work on the Nuwara-Eliya-Badulla-Chenkalady Road is
in progress.
More water projects have been designed. The Badulla Oya will be
harnessed with the construction of a reservoir at Demodera. Once this is
completed, flooding experienced in the area will be averted and the
drinking water problem of the local communities will be resolved.
The Puhulwatte Reservoir program in the Passara electorate will solve
the drinking water problem of the local communities. About 100
reservoirs/tanks renovation programs in the Badulla district are in the
pipeline and 18 of them have already been completed. Rajarata was known
as the 'Wewu bendi rajyaya' (the kingdom of tanks) but the Uva province
will now turn out to be the 'Wewu bendi rajyaya' with so many irrigation
and reservoir/tank projects, Illeyapperuma said.
The Rs. 76,316 Mn Iran-funded Uma Oya project to be completed in 2016
is a milestone in the history of irrigation projects in the region which
will contribute to increased food productivity while markedly improving
the socio-economic condition of the people, he said. The seven-storyed
building for the Badulla Kachcheri recently inaugurated by President
Mahinda Rajapaksa, the three-storeyed building for the Badulla police
department and the underground car park at the Senanayake Park are some
of the landmark events in Badulla. Much has been done in the field of
education in the province, Illeyapperuma said. The new three-storeyed
building for the Dharmakeerthi Vidyalaya has been completed at a cost of
Rs. 30 Mn.
The Badulla Muslim Ladies' College is one of the ambitions of
Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva and that has now been fulfilled, he
said. The construction of new buildings for the Viharamahadevi Ladies'
College and the Badulla Maha Vidyalaya has been completed while the
proposal for a new building to the Visakha Vidyalaya has been approved.
The super market complex building and the two-storeyed bus terminal
building in Badulla have been completed. The sports complex with two
auditoriums has almost been completed. The sports complex has a swimming
pool, football ground, athletic grounds and other facilities.
Four large bridges under the infrastructure development program are
to be constructed in the Badulla district. The estimated cost of the
bridge on the Deyyannawila River is Rs. 530 Mn while the estimated cost
of the Ambewela Bridge is Rs. 420 Mn, The foundation stones for the two
bridges have been laid and the work has already started.
The bridge at Viharagoda near the railway station is estimated to
cost Rs. 200 Mn and the work will start next month. The work on the
Hangwella bridge will also start next month and the project is estimated
to cost Rs. 800 Mn, according to Illeyapperuma. The Andeniya wire-bridge
constructed at a cost of Rs. 800 Mn has already been opened to the
Over 35,000 tons of garbage lying for 40 long years without being
cleared in the city has been evacuated and moved to remote location near
Sarnia Estate in Kandegedera and buried.
The 4 acre area where it remained dumped at Malwatte is now being
cleared for developing as a entertainment park. The prison in the town
has been shifted to another location out of the town and a proposed
auditorium will come up in that place. The rest house has been taken
over and a super market complex will come up in that place,
Illeyapperuma said.
According to the media unit of the Uva Governor Nanda Mathew's
office, the revenue index of the district that remained at 870 in the
year 2009 rose to 2001 in the year 2012 thanks to the many national
level and provincial level development programs launched in the
province. In 2010, the 'Deyata Kirula' program was held in Buttala.
All ailing government enterprises in the province were given the
incentives and invigoration to become profit-making enterprises. In the
sphere of education an amount of Rs. 2.5 Billion has been invested by
the government and the standard of education has very much improved. The
student-teacher ratio that remained at 17:01 is now 14:01.
To address the teacher shortage problem, 2951 new teacher
appointments were given. Under the former Chief Minister's 'Sipsara
Udanaya' program, special workshops and classes were held for the
backward and underprivileged children sitting for the Grade 05
scholarship, GCE (OL) and GCE (AL) examinations. As a result, the
achievement of the students of the province improved much as against the
previous years and also in comparison to the other provinces.
In the year 2010, Rs. 650 Mn was allocated for renovation of tanks
and improvements to irrigation projects which had benefited 19,864
families. Rs. 40 Mn was allocated for providing safe drinking water to
the people of Kataragama and Sella Kataragama areas. Under the program
about 8500 families are getting safe drinking water. The ailing Uva
province printing press was rehabilitated and today it is a
profit-making enterprise.
Under the contribution of the provincial administration, road
development achieved a marked improvement. About 1297 projects at an
expenditure of Rs. 1014.19 Mn were implemented.
Four mega cooperative cities and 64 mini cooperative cities were
established in the province. Electricity supply in respect of the local
population has been increased to almost 90 percent from the previous 40
percent. Human resources and physical recourse in the health sector have
been increased under the 'Mahinda Chintana' concept. Malnutrition that
remained at 40 percent has now come down to 20 percent. The number of
agricultural consultants that remained at 88 was increased to 128 .
Programs have been implemented to start 1000 new dairy farming projects
in an effort to increase milk productivity, according to the Governor's
Media Unit.
According to the Planning Director of the Badulla secretariat, the
total amount allocated for different development programs for the
district as on 24.07.2014 is 2323.20 Mn, covering the 16 Divisional
secretary areas.
The program-wise break-up is Rs. 596 Mn for the 'one program for one
village, Rs. 244 Mn for the Gama Neguma Special Program, Rs.180 Mn for
the Divi Neguma program, Rs. 824 Mn for the provincial 'Pura Neguma'
program, Rs. 140.2 Mn for the minor irrigation, paddy fields and
harvesting program, Rs. 54 Mn for rural schools improvements and
sanitary welfare program, Rs. 70 Mn for the forest conservation program,
Rs. 40 Mn for the budget allocation programs and Rs. 175 Mn for the
decentralised budget allocations of parliaments program.
The amount spent on to 24.07.2014 under the rural roads and bridges
development program is Rs. 129 Mn, according to the Planing Director of
the Badulla secretariat.