'CCC spearheaded development projects'
Our brands, Sri Lankan brands, are on the shelves around the world
and components made by our companies are in high demand. Many Sri Lankan
firms have a strong regional presence while some have a global
footprint, Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) President Suresh Shah told
those present at the 175th anniversary celebrations of the chamber
Excerpts of the speech.

CCC President Suresh Shah |
"Our CEOs are speaking at global business fora and our thought
leaders and diplomats are welcomed at the world's leading universities
and institutions.
We have technology and trade partnerships with many countries and
they help our companies get the best from global networks.
Sri Lanka is the investment destination of choice for those seeking
South Asian market access thanks to its top 10 position in the doing
business rankings, its quality of life and its deep economic ties with
the SAARC countries especially India. Colombo is a preferred location in
Asia for commercial arbitration. SME's are as much a part of the
development story as the large firms.
The country's infrastructure is on a par with the rest of Asia. The
deep South is a thriving manufacturing and logistics hub with many
local, regional and global firms taking advantage of the
port-airport-industrial zone nexus in Hambantota.
Information technology and the public service have become
intertwined. Sophisticated tax intelligence is in play and revenue is on
the rise without penalising entrepreneurship.
The Government uses big data to help understand everything from
traffic trends, to dengue risk locations and crime hot spots. Public
services are accessible via the internet. Government officials are
skilled and well paid and the services they provide to the people are
efficient, effective and free of inducement.
Our inherent talents have been advanced through an education system
widely respected as being among the best in the region. All communities
have gladly marched together towards prosperity.
All Sri Lankans have reached an acceptable minimum standard of
living. They thrive in the meritocracy that is Sri Lanka.
This is but a glimpse of what Sri Lanka could be 25 years from now
when on an evening like this, the Ceylon Chamber will celebrate its
200th anniversary.
Sri Lanka has the resources and the competitive advantage to reach
this or similar milestones on its journey to prosperity. Strategic
location, the many tourist attractions, a literate population, fertile
soil, minerals, ocean resources that are as yet untapped, an FTA with
India and one soon with China are some of these advantages.
Essential elements
The world's best tea and the world's most exquisite blue sapphires
are also Sri Lankan. It is said that from Sheba to Princess Diana - and
now The Duchess of Cambridge - many queens and princess through the ages
have had the privilege of wearing a Ceylon Sapphire.
For Sri Lanka to reach her abundant promise, we need to deliver on -
among others - four essential elements: First, the public and private
sectors must work together in genuine partnership. If the private sector
is the engine of growth, the public sector is the driver of the engine.
Thus it stands to reason that the two need to work together and head in
a common direction.
Second, Sri Lankan firms must not fear competition at home. Our
economic prosperity is linked to success in overseas markets. To win
overseas we must first win at home. Let's not fear FDIs, FTAs, CEPAs and
imports. There may be a case for some protection during formative years
but it must not be open ended.
Third, we must create a culture of meritocracy and aggressive intent,
not one of dependency. Today, 45% of our labour force - those in
agriculture and the public sector - contribute a little more than 17% to
Subsidies and the promise of a secure job keep them there. The
country and the people would be better served if these resources were to
be re-deployed in exportable manufacturing and exportable services.
Fourth and lastly but most importantly, Sri Lankans must share a
common vision of a flourishing future. Simply put, united we win,
divided we fail.
These are not responsibilities for government alone. That would be
unfair. We are on a journey together with a host of stakeholders and the
private sector must play its part.
As the Ceylon Chamber's history suggests, it is uniquely positioned
to represent the private sector as Sri Lanka strives for prosperity. It
was a strong advocate for the construction of the Colombo Port and the
Colombo-Kandy railway.
It played a pivotal role in setting up the Ceylon Tea Auctions in
1898 and to-date - along with the CTTA - remains responsible for its
It was also the founder of the Employers Federation of Ceylon, the
Mercantile Services Provident Fund and the Sri Lanka Institute of
While the Chamber's beginnings were linked to the plantation
community, today it represents a membership drawn from all business
sectors of our country.
Three businesses have been members of the Chamber for over a 150
years and 26 others for over a century. This evening we celebrate with
them our shared journey and thank them for the tremendous contribution
they have made in the past.
The Chamber's pre-eminence today is a tribute to those who have led
it in the past. Business leaders of vision, served with commitment and
dedication, some as chairmen and others as members of the Committee. We
are privileged to have with us this evening a number of past chairmen
and we remember with gratitude the contribution they made. Those who
have staffed the secretariat past and present have also played their
Today we leave behind a journey of 175 years and look forward to the
future. We do so at a time of great expectation and anticipation in our
country. The cessation of terrorism five years ago, the investments in
infrastructure and rising incomes have all built a sense of hope for a
better tomorrow." |