News around the world
Jyrobike Self-stabilizing bicycle

Scraped knees and bruised elbows may soon be a thing of the past,
thanks to the Jyrobike, the self-balancing bicycle! The Jyrobike
eliminates the need for training wheels for 3-to-8-year-olds learning to
ride a bike.
The company boasts it can teach a child to ride in only one
afternoon! The front wheel is actually a spinning flywheel that
stabilizes the bike with its inner gyroscope. This can not only help
shaky bike riders get confidence, but also give children with
motor-control issues a leg up in the process of learning to ride a
two-wheeled bike.
As a rider becomes better and better, parents may secretly turn down
the force of the flywheel with a remote control until it's completely
off to show the rider that they can ride the bike with no help at all!
The speed of the flywheel plays a role in how much it helps the rider
balance. For a first timer a fast spinning flywheel is the best setting,
but as the rider gets more experience they won't need as much help.
It also comes with built-in horn, dinosaur and siren sound effects!
The bike's internal battery, which powers the flywheel, lasts for only
three hours, but that should be more than enough time for a child to get
the the hang of balancing a bike. The company only launched a
Kickstarter campaign to help fund the bike on Monday, but so far they've
already reached more than half of their $100,000 goal!
So far the Jyrobike is only for children, but the company is planning
on releasing a bike for adults next year if everything goes well with
the children's bike fundraiser, which it seems to be!
Blue-coloured red king crab found
Could this red, white and blue-coloured crab be the most patriotic
crab ever? The colouful crustacean is actually a red king crab, although
there is not much red about it. It is mostly blue but the tips of its
claws are white and its face is reddish.
Fisherman Frank McFarland found the crab earlier this month in Nome,
Alaska on the fourth of July. McFarland is keeping the crab alive for
now at the Norton Sound Seafood Centre, but plans to have it stuffed and
mounted to show off.
Many people wish that he would release it back into the ocean and let
it live like this blue lobster got to.
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