Modern man and nature

Man has a great relationship with nature. Our ancestors lived closer
to nature. Unfortunately, modern man has distanced himself from nature.
Instead of admiring nature, he destroys it. The relationship between man
and nature has become weak in the present world.
What is the reason for this? In present day society, man is occupied
in his own competitive way to survive. His life has become hectic and he
has no time to admire the beauty of nature. He destroys nature in the
name of development and industrialisation.
As humans we should live close to nature. We should protect nature as
our own life. Great Red Indian leader Seattle said water is our blood
and trees are our brothers. This shows the importance of living close to
nature. We can enjoy the happiness of life when we live close to nature.
A life which is distanced from nature is unhappy.
Children are engaged in a hectic race for educational achievement.
They do not have time to admire the beauty of nature. Modern man tries
to possess nature. He tries to interfere with the process of nature and
change it. We can see the harmful results man has faced. For example,
scientists create species of plants and animals which produce a bumper
People are interested only in the bumper harvest and not in the
harmful effects of such experiments. We should try not to change nature.
We should live close to nature. Then our lives will be happier and more
Sithara Madurangi Weerasinghe,
Grade 11,
Anula Vidyalaya, Nugegoda.
The importance of reading
“Reading maketh a full man” is an old saying. A well-read person
always outshines others in society. It is a good habit to cultivate from
childhood. Parents should select books, magazines and newspapers which
are suitable for the child to read. Reading improves general knowledge
and broadens the mind.
Children must get used to reading during their leisure time. The best
way to improve the reading habit is to join a library. Books are
available on a vast number of subjects such as Literature, History,
Geography, Science and Mathematics.
By reading newspapers you get to know the current affairs in the
country and the world. It is a much better practice than watching
television during your spare time. Books are man’s best friend.
H.K.I. Uthpali,
Grade 11B,
B/Sri Saranankara Maha Vidyalaya,
The value of trees

Trees are essential for life. Trees take years to grow but you can
destroy them in minutes. Without trees the world will become a desert
devoid of all forms of life. Where there are trees there is beauty, life
and hope.
Whenever we have an opportunity let us admire and love the flowering
trees which will grow tall and bring beauty to the world.
Children often pick flowers to decorate classrooms. When you see the
beautiful flowers every morning you will feel happy.
Let us not destroy trees as you need them for existence.
Nisali Sakunika,
Grade 9D,
Devi Balika Vidyalaya,
What are dreams?
Dreams are the building units of a man. They can control everyone. I
have heard the famous saying “Dreams have no boundaries.” If you have a
dream, your future is bright. Dreams can change our lives.
I have a dream to study at Oxford University in England one day. We
must work hard to realise our dreams. But, we have to face various
difficulties and challenges.
If you work hard, you can realise your dreams and you can spend your
life fruitfully.
W.A.M.S. Wijesooriya,
Grade 10A,
National College,
Life in the city
The city is a busy place. There are many people and vehicles in the
city. You find hospitals, markets, textile shops, schools and banks
which are essential to everybody. However, most cities are quiet during
the night.
There are many differences in city life and village life. City life
is useful to people. Sometimes the roads are so busy with vehicles and
we may meet with accidents.
Sanuji Sanaya Welgama,
Grade 5A,
NCEF Buddhist College.
Friendship is one of the most valuable gifts in life. We all love to
have friends. Finding a good friend is not an easy task. I have many
friends. They are Manju, Hana, Meuni, Niruthika, Dulya, Mariyam and
Iirien. They study at Belvoir College.
We became friends in grade two. Finding a good friend is not that
easy. To be a good friend you should be polite, humble and honest. There
should be a good understanding between friends.
We need friends who are very faithful to us. It is said, “A friend in
need is a friend indeed.” When a friend is in trouble, we should always
help. Friendship is like a ring because there is no end.
I wish my friends all success in everything they do.
Shangeetha Paskaran,
Grade 6A,
Belvoir College,
An autobiography of a coin
I was born in London. I was melted and the value was engraved. I was
guarded and taken to Sri Lanka. I was kept at the Central Bank in Sri
I was released when the Budget was submitted in Parliament. I passed
through many hands. Finally I was given to a beggar. He dropped me on
the way. I was there neglected for a long time. Now I am buried and my
value is not seen.
J. Steepan Rajh,
Grade 4,
J/St. Peter’s R.C.T.M School,
The beauty of sunset
I watched the sun setting behind the sea a few days ago. Its long
rays light up the green fields. Its rays light up the trees and bushes
with a golden glow.
It makes everything very clear and distinct. The clouds above the sky
began to glow with a golden light. The mountains were in a lovely purple
It was a beautiful scenery.
Ravindu Lakshitha,
Grade 6,
Harischandra College,
The world's most expensive car
The world's most expensive car is the Zenvo ST1. It is one of my
favourite cars. Zenvo STI is unique in the market today. Only 15 Zenvo
ST1 models have been made. However, it will compete with other models
such as the Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche.
The price of this car is €660,000. It can be driven at 60 Kmp in 2.9
seconds and a high speed of 233 Kmp. The Zenvo ST1 is from a new Danish
sports car company that will compete to be the best in speed and style.
The ST1 is limited to 15 units. It is a good car. I hope that they
make more cars such as Zenvo ST1 in the future.
Rakesh Ratnasingham,
S. Thomas’ College,
Mt.Lavinia. |