SLSBC to promote trade relations
The Sri Lanka-Singapore Business Council (SLSBC) will promote
business relations between Sri Lanka and Singapore, SLSBC President
Shamil Mendis told members at the 17th Annual General Meeting of the
council recently.

Seated (from left): Vice President Upali Bandaranayake, Vice
President Rohitha Mendis, President Shamil Mendis, Vice
President Prajeeth Balasubramaniam and Ms. Harshini Fernando
of the Chamber Secretariat Standing (from left): B. C. Tan,
Nirupa Peiris, Janaka Gunasekara, Johann Steinwall, Omar
Fatha Rally, Director and Prasaj Pathirana. |
Chairman and Managing Director, Spear International (Pvt) Ltd, Shamil
Mendis was re-elected as President of the Council for 2014-2015.
He said that 2013-14 had been an eventful one and outlined some of
the significant activities the Council had undertaken which included the
Business Mission comprising a fifteen-member delegation to Singapore in
June this year which was organised to coincide with the IE-SBF seminar
on Doing Business in Sri Lanka.
The Council facilitated business meetings for members of the Council
on two occasions with International Enterprise Singapore and their
inward delegations to Sri Lanka and collaborated with the Japan External
Trade Organisation (JETRO) to conduct a survey involving selected
Singapore companies operating in Sri Lanka.
This initiative was the first of its kind by the SLSBC to connect
with trade organisations of other countries for the benefit of members.
The Council also organised a joint Networking Evening with the
Singapore (Sri Lanka) Club providing an opportunity for members to
interact and network with members of Singapore companies and the
Singapore expatriate community in Sri Lanka.
A meeting was also held between the SLSBC Executive Committee and the
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Law of Singapore, K.
Shanmugam, which took place over lunch hosted in honour of the Minister
and his delegation where the discussion pertained to business between
Singapore and Sri Lanka in line with renewed interest from Singapore
companies to partner with Sri Lankan companies in the areas of
infrastructure, retail, education and the logistics sectors.
Mendis said that the Council would undertake initiatives to further
promote business relations between Sri Lanka and Singapore in the
forthcoming year as well.
"The SLSBC co-operates with International Enterprise (IE) Singapore,
the Singapore Business Federation, the Singapore-Chinese Chamber of
Commerce and Industry, the Singapore-Indian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, the Singapore-Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the
Sri Lanka High Commission in Singapore in the pursuance of its
objectives," he said. |