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To hear the silent thoughts of others

“We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking.”
- Santosh Kalwar, journalist and author of Nepali origin living in Finland.

Free flow of thoughts may be the only way to discover the truth; but have you ever wondered what it would be like to hear the silent thoughts of others and know the truth: about yourself? The truth does not have to be liked. It needs, only be spoken.

The truth may hurt, but it will set you free. The truth does not ask for belief, it just exists. How sad it is that, notwithstanding the fact that sometimes we know the truth; we fear to speak it. All of us are gods and there is a god in every single one of us, without exception. When I say god, I mean possessing the qualities of godliness. Although we have all heard the word, few of us can give a quick and easy definition for godliness.

We read little about it - historically the concept has been, and is, treated rather lightly in Christian literature - and we might conclude that it is something we will experience and understand only as we go much further down the road of moral living.

However, for me, godliness is the quality or state of being virtuous and having ethics based values befitting a godly person. It becomes the responsibility of every single one of us to discover the god within.

However, there is a corollary to this. Since life demands a balance in everything - the masculine needing the feminine, energy requiring mass, so on and so forth - it is true that as much as there is a god in every one of us, there is evil in every single one of us.

The true battle between good and evil is, fought within each of us. In fact, even though the cosmos has the force of goodness, there is in it the force of evil as well: that perhaps is, the “dark matter” about which we know so little.

In fact, we hardly get to know about the dark matters that, goes on in this resplendent land called Lanka; let alone the universe.


Setting issues of dark matters aside, to hear the unspoken thoughts of others or to read their minds is not something as impossible as we think.

We are aware that light helps us see. Some animals possess the ability to see in the dark, purely because they have trained, from birth, in the method to utilize lesser amount of light to see that which we see only if larger amount of light is available. Just like light, which helps us to view the world at large, there are radio waves to help one hear.

While all humans can easily utilize the properties of light to see, most do not know how to use radio waves to hear. Instead, we are dependent on sound waves to hear. Sound waves travel much slower through the atmosphere and for much shorter distances. Radio waves travel far and fast, just like light waves. It is by the ability to use radio waves, that the science of telepathy was born. Telepathy is the ability to, mentally control any function the brain controls, hearing other people's thoughts, scanning the memory of other people and sending thoughts directly to other people's minds, without the use of the five known senses. Bats use Radar, which is a form of electromagnetic waves, to see. Pigeons use magnetic waves to navigate and fly across lands. They have a built in homing device that uses the magnetic waves to guide their flight.

Thus, for humans, all one needs to listen in to the thoughts of others is, to learn and train in the science behind it: a very simple science indeed. Humans can train their brain to pick up radio waves, acting like a receiver that tunes into selected frequencies.

We possess powerful transmitters in our forehead: our temples.

To tune in to someone whose thoughts you wish to hear, one needs to focus the mind on the person concerned and tune your mind to the wavelength of his mind. Meditation masters use this technique to communicate with their disciples in distant lands and vise versa. One should not confuse hearing the thoughts of others with hearing voices. It is common for people to hear voices as if they are thoughts entering their mind from somewhere outside themselves.

This is not the same as a suddenly inspired idea, which people usually recognise as coming from themselves. These thoughts are not their own and would seem to come from outside their own consciousness, like telepathy. All of us have experienced it at sometime or the other in our lives. Mental health professionals of course define hearing voices as a symptom of medical illness.

However, research has shown that many people hear voices, and some cope well with their voices, without psychiatric intervention or need to seek help from mental health services.

Throughout history and even today, there are people who hear voices who find their voices inspirational and comforting.

Many researchers, practitioners, and voice hearers believe it is a mistake to regard voice hearing as a part of a psychopathic disease syndrome. Rather, they consider it to be, more akin to a variation in human experience - a special faculty or difference that definitely does not need a cure.


For a people who consider ignorance - that night of the mind as the right of the mind; for a people who have the unique ability to listen to one story and assume or understand another; exploring telepathy would be an incredible journey, and an enlightening one.

In fact, all of us have experienced telepathy. Sometimes we think of someone we have not talked to in months and we suddenly get a call from them; or when two people are together, they might say the same thing at the same time. These are examples of spontaneous mind-to-mind communications. Such communications can be, received by way of feelings, emotions, thoughts, images, and desires. Some people can communicate telepathically when dreaming. Our use of telepathy begins soon after we are born. It is our parents, who begin teaching us how to use this natural ability.

If we could remember our infancy, we would likely recall mom or dad looking over us in our crib, talking to us and smiling, trying to get a smile or some similar response. Parents of young children unconsciously achieve the initial telepathic contact with the child by mimicking the child's noises to elicit a physical response from the child.

This interaction gets the child's attention, and the child's attention is on observing the thoughts and feelings projected by the parents. It is during this early telepathic interaction that we first utilize our telepathic ability to receive thoughts and feelings.


In fact, all of us are born with a telepathic gift. It is the effort and hurdles in learning telepathy that prevents many people from being able to communicate in this way.

Lack of awareness, skepticism and general societal views are often big factors in people locking out this special intuitive ability. Some cultures openly acknowledge communication in this way.

For example, the Japanese have a word to describe the special relationship and oneness between lovers that is borne from telepathic understanding. A telepathic relationship is borne from the concept that all beings originate from the same source; some call this a spiritual source, others a natural source, and others a universal force.

Whatever it may be, art of telepathy provides a more efficient means of communicating.

It is environmentally friendly, free, not dependent on location of either party, and is instantaneous. Maybe we should all start practicing having thoughts that we would be happy for others to eavesdrop on.

See you this day next week. Until then, keep thinking; keep laughing. Life is mostly about these two activities.

For views, reviews, encomiums, and brick-bats: [email protected]

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