The corps de ballet
Its importance on par with principal dancers:
by Gwen Herat
Samantha Raine of the Royal Ballet who has danced in the corps de
ballet for over nine years and promoted as Soloist in 2006 knows better
than many dancers the importance placed in a corps de ballet as she
handles 24 girls that make up the Royal Ballet's corps de ballet. This
is Raine's second season and she is very clear about her role being
aware that major dancers emerge from under disciplined training. When
she rehearses them she makes sure that they know what they are doing and
they do their best to reach the high standard of the company. Building
on their performance is not an easy task for Rainer who is mindful that
the best corps de ballet in the world belong to the Royal Ballet.

Corps de Ballet of the Royal Ballet in Swan Lake. |
As it is part of life in a ballet, almost all the leading ballet
companies around the world prode themselves with their ensembles. In
fact, some of the best choreography has been created for them. Take for
example Swan Lake. What would it be without its corps de ballet. The
beautiful swans depicted are by the corps de balled and their ethereal
aura is no match to any other ensemble nor any group dancing. We find
Prince Siegfried most of the time among te swanseas well as when he is
Odette and Odille.
Here, the corps de ballet make up the whole background, fill the
backdrop by their pure white swan feathers; like whiffs of snow and at
times steal the dance from the principal dancers. Their co-ordinated
dancing never comes in the way with the principals at dance. They hold
on to their own and often holds the attention of the audience.
Prima ballerinas
The Royal Ballet with its distinguished and long history of turning
members of the corps into prima ballerinas, places great emphasis on the
strength and their elegant bodies, makes sure that the girls fall into
the right slots and perhaps, in the same range of age.
The job is demanding. The corps can be at rehearsal with McGregor and
minutes later, are summoned to the next studio to do a Balanchine or
even a MacMillan in one day and all are rehearsed up to four styles
depending on the requirement of each and every choreographer because no
two choreographers rehearse the same way in style and ado steps. And who
is the guiding force behind a successful corps?
It is a combination of many things such as teamwork, pride in the
task and knowing they all are incredible.
The ballets can never go on without the corps and though each one of
them happen to be one of many dancers, they are still as important as
the Principals on any given evening. It is just not about legs and arms
all in the same lines but creating an atmosphere with feeling. So, when
they work as a team, the spirit comes across to the audience.
But the inevitable happens when injuries claim dancers in the corps.
Then the company calls on the services of students from the Royal Ballet
School and this ensures there will never be a breakdown and the show
will go on after replacement.
The arrangement thrills the students of the school because it avails
the next generation of dancers invaluable time working with the full
The best spot for a full corps is the Covent Garden stage because
performance space for them stretches out and they feel free as not step
on each other if the corps contain over 20 or more dancers as found in
the Swan Lake. It is same in the Nutcracker's snowflakes. Space give
them easy movement without any restriction and a full corps de ballet is
full exhibition of their worth.

Tara-Brgitte Bhavnani and Clair Calvert as two swans from
the corps de ballet in The Swan Lake choreographed by Marius
Petipa. |
The satisfaction they get after a performance is the best thing being
in a ballet's corps. When a corps h ave a good energy on stage, they
create the right atmosphere and for that purpose, they have to make sure
that everything looks precise and coordinated, for the choreographer to
come up with a scintilating corps for his ballet would be more difficult
than putting the principals through their paces.
He has to be mindful of lines, timings and arm together with leg
heighs need to be corrected. Rehearsal time may not be the same as with
principals. They have to work together and that is being a unified body
and not just one dancer. In instances where the corps has to run fast
and abruptly stop and if one went wrong, the result would be a disaster
or a domino effect. But when every one gets it right, it is spectacular
and good enough to steal the show from the main dancers.
Very often, I have had my eyes focused on the corps of Swan Lake even
when Siegfried comes running is search of Odette. In that split of a
second, the corps had taken over the scenario. The fact that Swan Lake
produce to best corps is in what they wear. Dressed like living swans,
the whiffs of white feather, all frothy and ethreal, makes them apart
from the rest.
And to realise they do very little dancing or nothing at all except a
few leaps and coordinated movements. After all, they are only swans but
the choreographer turns them into real princesses on stage.
Most dancers enjoy being a part of the corps and realising the best
thing being in the corps is also probably the worse thing because they
are on every show and can be very hard and tiring and if they want to be
dancers with hope for the future, they must be prepared to face the live
audience. If they are lucky they will find many friends in the corps who
together will make this aristic journey until all reach their cherished
dreams of being the principals. Some make in their early years and many
wait for longers years while the rest fall back.
If one has been a corps member, being a principal is easier because
she has gathered lot of experience, strength and energy and waiting on
the wings to get to the top. |