In Brief
Guru Gammana in NWP
by M. Maharuf, Kurunegala South Group Cor.
The North Western Provincial Council will set up Guru Gammana in
Kurunegala and Puttalam districts for the use of teachers who come from
distant remote areas.
SLFUW hostel repaired
The Sri Lanka Federation of University Women (SLFUW) dedicated the
year 2013 - 2014 to the Women Undergraduates of Colombo, since they have
a difficult task in finding accommodation in Colombo, a media release
The Federation and the Executive Council led by the President Mrs. I.
Puvimanasinghe and its Committee have completed the repair and
renovation of the hostel facility that was earlier used by the
University of Colombo and abandoned around 2006. After 10 years, it has
been repaired and now ready for occupation.
The Federation has worked hard to provide accommodation for women
undergraduates, the release said. |