Beauty and Serenity of Nature - Winners
L to R: Sayuri Wanniarachchi, K Upekshi
Sewwandi, Senuri Senadeera, Akshina Sethmi Liyanage, Ms. Fahima
Farisz, Junior Observer; Ms. Dawn Suni (CAO), Ms. Nicole A.
Chulick (PAO), Joel Garnier, M. I. Ayyash, M. B. R. T.
Ranathilaka and T. Gowthaman (N. Kadootkajan is absent) |
The American Center conducted a photography competition for school
children, in collaboration with the Junior Observer to mark World
Environment Day - 2014. The competition was held on the theme "Beauty
and Serenity of Nature."
Of the hundreds of photographs submitted for the competition, the
first, second and third places were selected under three age groups
12-14, 15-16 and 17-18 years.
The awards ceremony was held on August 29 at the American Center
auditorium with the participation of Cultural Affairs Officer Ms. Dawn
Suni and Public Affairs Officer, Ms Nicole A Chulick.
The winners received a certificate signed by the Ambassador and a
lifetime membership to the American Center Library. The winners spoke
about their winning photographs and explained as to why they captured
them and how the photographs fitted the theme. Ms Fahima Farisz, of the
Junior Observer also attended the event.
Winners posed for a photograph with Cultural Affairs Officer (CAO)Dawn
Suni, and Public Affairs Officer (PAO) Nicole A. Chulick,at the U.S.
Embassy Colombo. |