Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 12 October 2014





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

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About our very fair, extremely beautiful daughter, 36, 5’2” university educated professional with substantial wealth, G/B affluent, educated business/ professional family seek an educated financially well established professional/ businessman, with sober habits, TT/NS from similar family. Daughter legally separated, very brief period. innocent party. No encumbrances. [email protected]

Academically and or professionally qualified partner willing to migrate to USA or already living in any state in the US is sought by Catholic Sinhala parents for academically qualified, well employed (in a multinational company in USA) daughter 27+ medium complexion 5’4”. She will be in Sri Lanka for 9 days during Christmas. Reply to [email protected]

Academically and professionally qualified a well brought up son is sought by BG respectable parents for their daughter born in Jan. 1981. 5’ 4.5” fair pretty currently working as an Accountant in an IT company in Dubai. Pls. reply with family details & horoscope. [email protected] 0322240703.

Academically and professionally qualified son working in Australia is sought by B/G profesisonal Australian / SL citizen parents for their 25 yrs. pretty daughter who got B.Sc (Hon) from Melbourne University and employed in a reputed organization in Australia, inherits assets. Email: [email protected]

Academically and professionally qualified, non-smoker, teetotaler son, with good character, preferably a Doctor below 30 years, with a respectable family background is sought, by Govi Buddhist Medical specialist parent, from Kandy, for well brought-up Medical student daughter, 24 years, 5’3” slim, fair and attractive, with reasonable assets. Please reply with full family details and horoscope in first communication. [email protected]

Academically professionally qualified son is sought by well-connected Buddhist Sinhala Govi family for their daughter now following MBA. She is 33, 5’4” fair and pleasant-looking. She is a Chartered Accountant and BSc graduate currently working as an Accountant in a Government Board. She inherits substantial assets and having a malefic horoscope. Reply with horoscope and family details. [email protected]

Academically professionally qualified son sought for Sinhala Buddhist daughter 29, 5’ BSc PhD qualified from prestigious UK Universities and well employed in UK. Father retired UN expert. Mother UK NHS professional. [email protected]

Academically qualified BG partner is sought by graduate mother for her daughter who works in Colombo in a recognized company. She has a BSc degree with a first class, PG qualified, reading MSc above 4’11’’, holding Executive post. Owns modern house Doctors Engineers Accountants graduates preferred. Reply with horoscope. E-mail: [email protected]

Academically qualified well mannered handsome partner is sought by respectable Buddhist K/G parents in Colombo for their only child. She is presently employed as an Assistant Professor at a U.S.A. University (East Coast) born 83 Dec., 5’4” tall and pretty. Reply non-malefic horoscopes only.

Academically / professionally qualified loving, caring and well mannered (non-smoker / teetotaller) son is sought by Sinhala Govi/Buddhist parents in Bangladesh for their daughter. She is 28 years, 5’0” height, fair complexion and will be completing MBA by this year. She is a complete vegetarian. Her only brother is studying MSc in Australia. She inherits substantial assets. Please reply with horoscope and family details. E-mail: [email protected]

Academically, professionally qualified son willing to settle down abroad or Sri Lanka is sought by parents Ratnapura G/B, for their daughter, 5’5”, 26 years, divorced, fair in complexion. Reply through Sunday Observer or email: [email protected]

Academic professional of age 39-45 years and height above 5’4” is sought by G/B respectable parents for daughter well accomplished pretty unmarried English fluent MSc qualified employed abroad as a scientist on a work visa having valuable assets, migration possible to any country/ Sr Lanka for the correct partner. [email protected]

Active Australian resident, Christian parents (Kandyan / G) are looking for a well educated professional to be introduced to their fair charming daughter (specialist medical doctor in Australia), 37 years and 5’4”. She is divorced with short marriage, no encumbrances. An Australian/ NZ PR resident with Christian background is highly preferred. Please reply with full details. Email: [email protected]

A caring, educated, established professional is sought by Buddhist father in Colombo for his daughter who is 36, 5’5”, talented, slender, pretty with a charming personality. Educated at a leading school in Colombo 7 and the U.S. Holds a Bachelors Degree and other qualifications form the U.S. currently placed in SEnior Management at a multinatoinal company in Colombo. Earns a sufficient six-figure salary and also inherits property, new car, and other assets. Similar background preferred. Caste, religion immaterial. Please respond with family details, horoscope and contact number. E-mail: [email protected]

A Sinhala Buddhist Salagama down south retired parents in a respectable family living in Colombo seek an professionally qualified son for their daughter 37 yrs. 5’2” in the University of Peradeniya (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) employed as a Dental Doctor in Government hospital. She draws a handsome salary and enjoys fringe benefits of the department. Differences immaterial. 0113079892. [email protected]

Bodu Govi, 25, 5’ respectable, well established parents in Colombo, seek for their pretty, pleasant well mannered daughter who has been educated at an International School and holds a Business Management Degree (USA) & MBA (SL), engaged in family business with substantial wealth, an academically/ professionally qualified, well employed partner or well established businessman within the ages 25 to 30, looking to establish a relationship leading to marriage. Rahu in 7th house. Horoscope essential. Email: [email protected]

Bodu Karawa graduated daughter born in 1985 November presently working in reputed bank in Colombo height 5’5” parents living in Colombo suburbs are looking for a professional son. Please reply having following requirements in horoscope. Rahu and Shani in 2nd or 7th Ravi in 11th Chandra in 8th Guru in 9th, 11th or 12th. [email protected]

Buddhist, Deva parents seek a partner for their attractive, 28 yrs old only daughter (5’6’’) currently teaching at a leading Canadian university while studying for her PhD in Genetics. The prospective partner should be tall, handsome, fair complexioned, university educated, from a good family background and of excellent character. Relocation by girl or settling in Canada by boy are both options. Caste immaterial. E-mail: [email protected]

B/G Business parents from Piliyandala seek an educated well employed son from a respectable family for their eldest only one daughter, 28 years, height 5’6” working at a reputed company Colombo. Reply with the horoscope and contact Nos. [email protected]

B/G Father seeks professionally qualified less than 32 for daughter 28 fair pretty 5’1’’ BSc in economics/management University of London Assistant Manager in a leading firm in Colombo. Horoscope family details to: [email protected]

Catholic parents living in Australia with substantial, financial means and assets seek a partner for pretty daughter, divorced, 42 years, 5 ft. 6 ins. She is educated both in Sri Lanka and overseas. She has her own house, presently given on rent and lives in an apartment in her parents premises. She is independent and has her own income. Please apply c/o Observer indicating age, race, religion, present employment and family status. You may also reply to email [email protected] Applications from divorcees and widowers are also accepted. Would assist in migration, settling in, employment and accommodation in property owned by us. Pls inform your home or Mobile Phone No.

Colombo Bodu Govi professional family seeks professionally qualified Buddhist groom for very beautiful Lawyer daughter willing to settle down in Sri Lanka. Presently overseas on a short professional assignment and will be returning soon. Very fair, slim, 5’4’’, 44 years. Divorced as innocent party without encumbrances. Military officers considered. Reply by e-mail only. [email protected]

Colombo Buddhist parents of 27 year old tall, pretty, educated daughter well established in Australia, seek tall, well mannered, professionally qualified partner. Please respond with non-malefic horoscope and family details. Caste immaterial. [email protected]

Colombo district Buddhist Govi mixed respectable parents seek academically and professionally qualified well mannered partner for their pleasant daughter, 1982 February born, 5’ height, graduated in BSc, MSc, IT, employed in a leading IT company with high salary. Inherits substantial assets. Caste immaterial. Reply with family details, horoscope and contact number. [email protected]

Colombo G/B respectable parents seek two sons for twin daughters 29, 5’7” tan slim bank employed M.Sc qualified Software Engineer and the other Telecommunication Engineer reading for MBA. [email protected]

Colombo suburban G/B parents seek a suitable partner preferably in state service for their 27 yr. only child daughter an executive officer in a premier service, having periodic compulsory foreign postings. Ashvida Deva Shani 1st Kuja Ravi Sikuru 10th respond with horoscope.

Colombo suburb Bodu Vishwakula father well known Businessman seek for an educated, handsome, suitable son with sober habits for their 21 years 5’ 2’’ pretty daughter with two siblings, who is continuing her higher studied an International University in Sri Lanka. Cast Immaterial.

Educated partner sought by Catholic Karawa mother for executive daughter 47, 5’4” [email protected]

Govi Buddhist parents from a respectable family seek an academically professionally qualified partner for their slim, pretty daughter of 31, 5’4’’. She was brought up with good family values. She has just completed her higher studies in culinary in Canada. Preferred age 32-40. Please respond with full family details, contact number and horoscope. E-mail: [email protected]

Govi Buddhist respectable well established parents from Down South residing in Colombo seek an academically and professionally qualified partner for their pretty well accomplished daughter of 27 years, 5’2’’, BSc (London), MSc, CIMA qualified, employed in a reputed company. We are looking for a decent kind hearted well mannered son of around 28-31 years, preferably a Civil Engineer, an Accountant or an Economist. Kindly reply with the horoscope & family details.

Govi Buddhist, professionally qualified US citizen, slim, fair, 46 years, 5’3’’, divorced without any encumbrances seeks an educated suitable partner. E-mail: [email protected]

Govi parents from Colombo suburbs seek academically professionally qualified Buddhist son with sober habits for their pretty fair only daughter 28+ 5’8” in height double degree holder with MBA studied in a leading school in Colombo and working in a leading educational institution as the Manager. Email: [email protected]

Govi/Buddhist parents living in Australia seek a suitable partner with Australian PR willing and able to reside in Australia for their daughter 27 yrs., pretty, 5’4”, slim, professionally qualified and in secure employment with Australian Public Service. Please reply directly to [email protected] or 0413198262.

G/B parents seek educated partner for their under graduate daughter Australian citizen, 44 years, 5’4 ½” tall, slim, attractive, employed in a company. Divorced no children. Please respond with copy of horoscope and family details. [email protected]

G/B professional parents domiciled in Australia seek academically and professionally qualified partner between 36-42 years for daughter, academically and professionally qualified well employed in Australia. Ideal partner should be willing to relocate in Australia visiting Sri Lanka in mid October. Reply with contact numbers. Email: [email protected]

Kottawa GB parents father doctor mother teacher seek partner doctor engineer for daughter 29yrs 5’4’’ fair slim veterinary surgeon University lecture studied at leading girls schools in Colombo. [email protected]

K/B brother & sister seek suitable partner for their sister, banker, born 1970, 5’3’’, fair, attractive, inherits substantial assets. Reply with horoscope & family details. E-mail: [email protected]

Long term Australian resident professional parents seek to introduce a suitable partner for only daughter, 35, 5’6” slim attractive educated in leading Australian University, professionally employed in a Senior position, interested in music, literature, travel She is overseas born with dual Australian and Sri Lankan citizenship. We are looking for a tertiary educated, professionally employed person from a compatible background with matching interests. While our family is SBG, differences are immaterial. [email protected]

Malay parents, seek for Malay/Moor educated partner for their Senior Software Engineer daughter, 26 years, 5’2’’, slim and fair in complexion. E-mail with full details including contact number. [email protected]

Moor girl from a respectable family in Colombo Teacher 30 years English speaking pleasant personality having a daughter five years divorced. Parents looking for a suitable match. Email: [email protected]

Muslim parents from Sri Lanka, living in Canada looking for a qualified / professional groom, from Sri Lanka or overseas for their qualified daughter 24 years, 5’4’’, slim, medium complexion, dresses modestly, well mannered and a practicing Muslimah. Reply to: [email protected]

Parents (Engineers) from Colombo suburbs seek a professionally qualified partner (specially Engineer Doctor) for their pretty slim only daughter (B/G) aged 25 5’3” completed Physical Science degree from University of Colombo & BIT degree externally. Currently working in a reputed private company. E-mail: [email protected]

Professionally qualified Catholic parents seek qualified well mannered caring partner for convent educated daughter 21 years 5 feet pretty Austrlaian citizen (dual) inherits assets. Send details and phone number.

Professionally qualified lady from Colombo seeks a kind-hearted partner for marriage 47 years over 51 never married Sinhalese Buddhist any person capable of facing and accepting a challenge in life is welcome. Reply with horoscope. Email: [email protected]

Professionally qualified Sinhala B/G parents living in U.S.A. seek a suitable partner, preferably working in U.S.A. for their daughter 28 years, 5’4” pretty with a PhD working in a leading Medical Research Insitute in East Coast U.S.A. Caste immaterial. Reply with details including the contact numbers to - [email protected] Contact 011-2236760.

Respectable Buddhist Govi family from Southern seeks a partner for daughter born May 1981, 5’1” pretty fair well mannered trained international school teacher, owns more than 10 millions assets and a vehicle. Elder brother is married (Doctor) and three sisters (married) residing in Australia two Engineers a Nurse. [email protected] 0061402757653.

Roman Catholic, Govigama, Sinhala parents from an English speaking background seek a suitable partner for their daughter, educated in a leading Convent in Colombo. She is qualified academically and professionally and is well accomplished, 24 years, 5’1’’ in height, fair in complexion and employed in a leading company. If interested please reply with full family details and contact phone number to; E-mail: [email protected]

Sinhala Buddhist mother Colombo suburbs seeks partner for only daughter 32+ yrs. slim fair smart 5’3”, executive private sector enjoying modest salary with other perks. Officer from one of the three defence personnel with outstanding personality preferred. Please reply with H.C Email: [email protected]

Sinhala Colombo Christian parents seek partner of same faith for daughter aged 25 height 5’4’’ educated at Ladies College and professionally qualified. Write with full details to [email protected] or C/o Sunday Observer.

Sinhalese well to do G/B parents in Colombo seek for their well educated daughter aged 33 years, 5’4” height, good looking of fine character, suitable well educated professional or well established person of sober habits. Email address: [email protected]

S/B mother seeks a partner for daughter 26 yrs, 5’8’’, university student from New York. Looking for tall, kind, simple, caring, educated or currently engaged in studies or has a trade skill. He must be with sober habits. Preferably someone currently in USA or willing to move to USA or with experience in living abroad. Matching horoscope - Kuja 7. We will be on holiday soon to Sri Lanka. [email protected]

Uncle seeks G/B partner for pretty, young looking nice 1973.12.31 higher Diploma Software Engineering govt. servant. Inherits house and other property, Boralesgamuwa. Reply with horoscope. 0475724526. [email protected]

Vishwakula Buddhist parents seek for their very pretty daughter 23 yrs. 5’2”, postgraduate student of Business with other accomplishments well educated or professionallly qualified handsome son preferably from the same caste below 28 yrs. Please contact with details Tel. 2671312 email: [email protected]




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