Ra-Blue in UK powwow with Big Lady
Ra-Blue's sudden visit to the UK has now been revealed. Following an
SOS from the Retired Big Lady, Ra-Blue rushed to London to have a one on
one meeting with her. The Big Lady had said that Ra-Blue could even lose
his party leadership if he loses the next Prez poll. She said that
Ra-Blue could remain as Op leader if he makes her the You-En-Pee's
common candidate.
You-en-Pee conspires with Tiger rump
Ra-Blue exploited the London visit to meet several Tamil Diaspora and
pro-LTTE representatives to woo their support for the next presidential
election. Ra-Blue's blue-eyed boy Sa-Rock was also present at the meet.
The You-en-Pee leader, who is notorious for having raw deals with Tigers
during elections, seems to be engaged in such talks again.
Green leader spurns Huh-Ring's proposal
Saa-jeet, the Love-Slave got his buddy Huh-Ring to propose the Green
leader to name Love-Slave as the party's prime ministerial candidate at
a time there is no sign of a general election. Wily Ra-Blue did not fall
for Hah-Ring's ploy as the You-En-Pee leader said it was too early to do
Bell Boys try to cover political nudity
Anura Prince has spared no pains to increase their vote base even by
a few thousands. He asked Sanddle-Netti to discuss the possibility of
affording voting facilities to Jay-Vee-Pee supporters domiciled in Japan
and other countries with the Elections Commissioner. The Bell Boys are
now making a desperate attempt to cover their political nudity and Anura
Prince is likely to skip the next Prez polls with lame excuses. |