Witness’ accounts on Sri Lanka asylum seekers:
Nandani ‘Rape’ story wins her asylum in UK
Sri Lanka's Unfinished War a BBC Documentary presented by Frances
Harrison fulfilled every criteria of an attention-grabbing piece of
fiction. Unfortunately, the story that emerges is very much a piece of
fiction as evidence will expose not only the story of Nandani but a
dangerous racket taking place in the UK manipulating the innocent asylum
seekers to live in Western nations.
Nandani’s mother |
The version we present is no fiction but it will alarm and shock
readers making them wonder if such actions can take place in the UK
under the eyes of democracy, rule of law and equal justice.
It will establish a link that would require British authorities
arrest the evil minds involved in the asylum racket making money out of
a desire to want to live in a First World Nation.
We do not blame Nandani. There are thousands of females like Nandani
who have fallen prey to the advice given simply because they either want
to join their husbands or to just tell their family back home that they
are earning dollars and pounds.
‘Sri Lanka's Unfinished War’, the BBC documentary released in
November 2013 ahead of Sri Lanka's Commonwealth Summit. Frances Harrison
believes the 12 cases presented established judgement against the Sri
Lankan security forces of being involved in the torture and rape of
Tamil civilians.
According to Frances Harrison, the viewers are left to conclude that:
·Systematic and widespread rape exists in Sri Lanka committed during
and after the war by the Sri Lankan military
Nandani, whose concocted
rape story won her political asylum in UK |
· Nandani becomes the 1st post-conflict rape to be made public
· The security forces are guilty because medical reports corroborate
their stories
Nandani's version and the truth:
We have spoken to Nandani's mother, who lives in Jaffna with
Nandani's other sister who has not heard from her daughter nor has the
daughter economically helped her mother. Nandani's mother was questioned
about Nandani to show there is an organised racket taking place to make
money from asylum seekers.
They are trained on what to say, they agree to be subjected to
physical torture which a medical officer endorses as being recent and
proof to claim them victims while alleging the perpetrator to be the Sri
Lankan military.
The presenter of the BBC documentary would not have expected
Nandani's mother to be traced and for Nandani's mother and sister to
deny all that Nandani had confidently revealed.
The most important thing that emerges is the inconsistencies: Nandani
says she was picked up from her home in early 2013 in the BBC
documentary - her mother says that Nandani left for the UK in 2012 which
next leads to the question how did she get picked up from her home and
raped by 5-6 security personnel?
Nandani's home is in Nallur, Jaffna, Northern Province. However,
Nandani had not been living with her mother in Nallur. She had been in a
lodging in Colombo from 2006 to 2012. Her mother was not living with her
in Colombo but was living in Jaffna with Nandani's sister.
· Nandani says she was picked up from her ‘home’ and repeatedly raped
by men in uniform.
· Nandani says her mother tried to stop the men from taking her but
her mother was pushed to the ground
· Nandani says she can't sleep because of what happened, she feels
suicidal and she doesn't feel like living.
The truth
· Nandani's real name is Muturasa Nandani / Nalaini. She is also
known as Lucky
· Nandani is 35 years old born 25 February 1979
· Nandani's home is 90/1,Asirwaddapa Street, Nallur East, Jaffna
Nandani’s wedding in India |
· Nandani does not mention she is married in the documentary. She was
married to a pro LTTE activist, Uhan Padmarasa.
· Uhan Padmarasa was sent by the LTTE to the UK in 1995 and has been
living there since then.
· Uhan and Nandani got married in India in mid 2000 because he could not
arrive in Sri Lanka knowing authorities would arrest him.
· Nandani had tried numerous times to gain a visa but had failed. The
last option was the rape card and the syndicate was already in place to
offer the option of claiming rape by Sri Lankan soldiers and appealing
for asylum.
This process of course does not come cheap and the minimum cost is
sterling pounds 5000-6000 plus various other charges citing different
reasons and requirements.
· Nandani's mother confirms that since her daughter left for the UK
in 2012 she had spoken to her only once. She would have had to illegally
leave Sri Lanka because had she got a visa she would not have resorted
to using the ‘rape’ story to gain asylum.
Legal assistance
Asylum seekers entering UK are offered legal counsel costing
5000-6000 sterling pounds as legal fees, in addition to sterling pounds
1500 processing fees to succeed in gaining asylum status in the UK.As
per the asylum seekers some of the agents and solicitors they obtain the
services to make asylum claims are Deva, Theepan, Jana, Ravi, Mathi,
Anoja Naha and Company, Kananathan, Vasugi.
Physical scarring
The journey in obtaining asylum entails agreement of the following
physical tortures:
· Being burnt with cigarette butts
· Being beaten with hot metal rods
· Being cut and scarred to show physical torture.
There are many places where asylum seekers with the advice of
Solicitors get themselves scarred and burned. One such place that
witnesses reported where the self inflicted wounds were carried out is
located at 53, South End Lane, Bromley, SE6 3AB (With Red Van) belonging
to Pirakash Gobalasingham who has close links to the TRO.
Medical claims
The next is to obtain medical corroboration. Whether British medical
doctors are involved in the scam or not, (given that the asylum seekers
have actually been subject to virtual physical torture (in the UK) ),
these doctors naturally endorse the RECENT torture and that is
sufficient to argue the case against the Sri Lankan armed forces
alleging that post-conflict torture is systematic, widespread and
continues giving credence for UK to grant asylum and save Tamils from
being oppressed.
Dr. Alison Callaway who has been examining over 200 cases of ALLEGED
torture from Sri Lanka for the past 5 years shows that this practice of
physical torture induced in the UK as part of securing asylum has
prevailed for 5 years.
Dr. Alison's examination of Nandani as having over 30 cigarette butt
burns on her body including her genitals shows that Nandani has agreed
to allow herself to burn her body including her genital area.
It fits perfectly into the version that Frances Harrison wishes to
project that ‘rape and torture’ is systematic, widespread and recent.
What a perfect way to inflict wounds in the UK to establish the
argument and ‘corroborate’ through medical practitioners report and
examination! This should shock the British public that such practices
prevails in the UK and it is a systematic profit making practice within
a chain of irregularities granting asylum.
The BBC also highlights the report of 62 alleged rape cases, even
without verifying its authenticity even these cases cannot be
categorized or called ‘systematic’ ‘widespread’ or called a ‘war crime’
not even a ‘pattern’ can be proved except used in a smear campaign.
Dr. Alison says that the over 200 cases cannot be faked. She is
correct. There is nothing to fake.
Even the pain Nandani describes is very real. What needs to be made
clear is that the pain was not caused in Sri Lanka or by the Army but in
the UK. The scars are really inflicted but not without consent. That
consent comes with the assurance of obtaining asylum.
Just as Dr. Alison is fooled so is Dr. Frank Arnold, who is an expert
on torture. These examining show that physical tortures are regularly
taking place in the UK under consent for sterling pounds 5000-6000 on
the understanding that it would lead to UK granting asylum. When Dr.
Frank Arnold says ‘it would be impossible for the wounds reported to be
self-inflicted’, we certainly agree. No one can inflict such wounds on
his/her own body. But what if they agree to get themselves wounded in
order to secure asylum? Tamils arriving illegally or with student visas
and who then use rape or physical torture (by showing actual physical
torture inflicted with consent in the UK) as evidence. Dr. Arnold goes
on to say that such wounds have to be inflicted either by being tied
down or after being anaesthetized should make people start wondering
where this torture takes place in the UK!
When Dr. Frank Arnold says ‘this is an organized activity’ the truth
is that this organized activity is taking place in the UK.
When Dr. Arnold says ‘it is hard to believe ...that this could be
done without conniving of state authorities’ - it should wake up the
British authorities to see how many UK passport holders are involved in
this racket. This should shake the British authorities into action if
not investigation of all those involved in the racket.
We have been able to unearth the lies by Frances Harrison's key
witness denied by her own mother with her sister as witness but it shows
a far more dangerous ground reality which the UK authorities should
address and launch an investigation upon.
UK authorities need to find out the locations where this torture is
being inflicted on asylum seekers with their consent on the assurance
they would get asylum after the training on what to say and how to say
it, how much money is this venture generating, who is involved and
exactly how global is the venture?
Courtesy: Eye Sri Lanka – www.defence.lk |