'Alien life found proves we're descended from extraterrestrials'
The truth about alien life isn't just out there, it's continuously
raining down on us, and could possibly explain the origins of all human
That's according to researchers at the University of Sheffield, and
the University of Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology, who claim this
picture of particulate matter in the Earth's stratosphere is the long
awaited proof of extraterrestrial life.
Not content with solving one of the universe's greatest mysteries,
however, the researchers also claim that their findings explain the
origins of humanity and reveal that all life on earth originally came
from space. Prof Milton Wainwright and his team made the discovery after
launching a balloon high into the stratosphere during the Perseid meteor
shower last year.

The dragon particle which scientific analysis shows is made
of carbon and oxygen and is therefore not a piece of cosmic
or volcanic dust. |
The balloon was launched 27 km into the earth's atmosphere above
Sheffield and was equipped with sterile slides designed to capture tiny
biological organisms.
During the trip one of the slides caught an organism, around
10microns in size, which Wainwright says is a structure 'colloquially
called 'the dragon particle' which scientific analysis shows is made of
carbon and oxygen and is therefore not a piece of cosmic or volcanic
In an interview Wainwight said that it was unclear whether the
organism was a single life-form or was made up of a number of smaller
He was also unequivocal that the biological entity was "like nothing
found on earth".
"What is amazing is that these organisms appear on the sampling stubs
in an absolutely pristine condition," he told the paper.
"There is no pollen, grass or pollution particles found with them, or
for that matter soil or volcanic dust."
"Unless a means of lifting them from Earth exists which selectively
sieves them out from other Earth-derived debris then they must be
incoming from space.
"This, plus the fact that some of the biological material samples by
the team produce impact craters when they hit the sampler, confirms
their space origin."
However claims from Prof. Wainwright have attracted criticism from
the scientific community. One astrobiologist said "The jump to the
conclusion that it is alien life is a big jump and would require quite
extraordinary proof. (The usual Sagan saying: extraordinary claims
require extraordinary evidence.)"
He went on to tell the site that Wainwright would need to show that
the organism was composed of all D amino acids instead of L amino acids,
that is, some kind of proof that the debris did not contain the same
biochemistry as Earth objects.
Additionally the Journal of Cosmology has had its reputation called
into question more than once by other members of the scientific
However Professor Wainwright's findings may chime with others. His
assertions come mere weeks after Russian scientists claimed to have
discovered traces of marine life living on the exterior of the
International Space Station (ISS). Vladimir Solovyev, the official in
charge of Russia's ISS segment, told Itar-Tass that tiny plankton and
microscopic organisms had been discovered on the spacecraft's exterior,
describing the finds as "absolutely unique".
The discovery of organisms on the ISS was the first time complex
organisms have been discovered in outer space, and many believe the
discovery validates the theory that all life on earth originated from
This is not the first time Wainwright has made extraordinary claims.
Last year he told The Independent that he was "95 per cent convinced"
that the organisms found on slides sent into space did not originate
from earth.
"By all known information that science has, we know that they must be
coming in from space," he said. "There is no known mechanism by which
these life forms can achieve that height.
As far as we can tell from known physics, they must be incoming."
Some of the samples were captured covered with cosmic dust, adding
further credence to the idea that they have originated from space.
"The organisms are not usual," said Prof. Wainwright.
"If they came from earth, we would expect to see stuff that we find
on earth commonly, like pollen."
"We're very, very confident that these are biological entities
originating from space," he said, acknowledging that absolutely
certainty is hard to achieve in science.
The team believes that the entities are coming from comets. "The
particles are very clean," added Prof Wainwright.
"They don't have any dust attached to them, which again suggests
they're not coming to earth."
"Similarly, cosmic dust isn't stuck to them, so we think they came
from an aquatic environment, and the most obvious aquatic environment in
space is a comet."
- The Independent |