'No country is safe from Ebola'
by Atish Patel
How would we deal with an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus that has
already left a devastating trail across West Africa and claimed victims
in parts of the United States and Europe?

Taking precautionary measures to combat the virus |
India’s Health Ministry said it would start conducting mock drills
simulating treatment for a potentially infected patient, after a meeting
with state health officials to assess the country’s preparedness.
The World Health Organisation has said no country is safe from the
virus and this week predicted as many as 10,000 new cases could be
identified weekly around the globe by early December.
By Oct. 12, the WHO said there had been almost 9,000 confirmed,
probable and suspected cases of the disease, for which there is no
approved vaccine or treatment.
Around half of those cases have been fatal, almost all of them in
Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia.
One set of predictions of where the disease is likely to travel is
based on flight data to and from West Africa and modeling of the
behaviour of the virus.
A team of scientists including academics from Northeastern University
and the University of Florida, analysed air traffic numbers to and from
the three worst-affected countries along with the pattern of
transmission of the disease.
They plotted its likely next course - if containment measures don’t
curtail the outbreak in Africa - to the United Kingdom, France and
Their predictions say that India is less at risk of importing the
infection than those countries because it has fewer direct flights into
and out of West Africa.
Since the outbreak began, the frequency of flights from effected
countries has fallen by 64% in the year to Oct. 10, according to airline
data provider OAG.
Despite the relatively low risk and no confirmed cases in India to
date, fears remain that even a single occurrence of the disease could
spell catastrophe.
The country’s huge and densely-packed population, often rudimentary
public healthcare system and lack of adequate sanitation each pose
challenges to the containment of a disease such Ebola, health experts
say. Combined, they could make it uncontrollable.
“An outbreak in Europe or North America would quickly be brought
under control. I am more worried about the many people from India who
work in trade or industry in West Africa,” virologist Peter Piot, the
man who helped identify the Ebola virus in 1976, was quoted as saying by
German news magazine Der Spiegel in an interview published in September.
Around 4,700 Indians
live in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Another 40,000 live in
Nigeria, where eight people have died after 20 cases of Ebola were
“It would only take one of them to become infected, travel to India
to visit relatives during the virus’ incubation period and then, once he
becomes sick, go to a public hospital there,” Dr. Piot, who is director
of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, was quoted as
saying in the interview. “Doctors and nurses in India, too, often don’t
wear protective gloves. They would immediately become infected and
spread the virus.”
Large cities with over-populated slums like those in India make it
“virtually impossible to find those who had contact with patients, no
matter how great the effort,” Dr. Piot said, according to the magazine.
Ebola containment involves identifying and finding every person who
comes into contact with an infected patient in a process known as
contact tracing. India’s Health Ministry said Thursday that three days
of training for healthcare teachers would take place in Delhi starting
Sunday, including how to put on and remove protective wear safely, how
to contact trace and how to collect and transport blood samples without
spreading infection.
The virus is transmitted by direct contact with a patient’s bodily
fluids such as sweat, blood, urine and faeces.
That’s why in Nigeria’s largest city Lagos, where the majority of the
country’s 20 cases were discovered, authorities urged people not to
urinate or defecate in drains, dump sites and open spaces.
The move is perhaps one reason why Nigeria has successfully contained
the epidemic, with no new cases since Sept. 8.
In India, around 600 million people defecate in the open, a lack of
toilets and in some parts a cultural preference for going outdoors would
make it almost impossible for similar public health advice to have the
same effect.
Dr. Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, said
that he would be surprised if there wasn’t a confirmed case in India by
the end of the year.
If his prediction comes true, it would potentially “set off a
cascade” of the disease, which could spread very quickly, Dr. Jha said.
“Within a matter of days to weeks, you could start seeing dozens of
people, rising into the hundreds within a couple of months if it is not
checked,” he said.
The Indian government has put a number of precautionary measures in
place to quell these fears, including screening passengers at airports
and seaports to look for symptoms of the disease, which include
vomiting, fatigue and bleeding, in travellers arriving from infected
Low risk passengers are given general advice about the virus, while
medium and high risk passengers are kept under observation and their
blood samples tested for a further period of 30 days since it can take
21 days for symptoms to manifest.
Around 1,128 passengers are currently being tracked, mostly in the
capital Delhi and the states of Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat
and West Bengal, the Health Ministry said Monday.
“No checking and screening can be 100 percent foolproof. But by doing
so, we’re reducing the probability of an outbreak,” Anshu Prakash, joint
secretary at the Health Ministry, told TheWall Street Journal.
“We’re taking this very seriously. The entire world is at risk and so
is India,” Mr. Prakash said.
Since August, flights arriving in India have given onboard
announcements about the virus and its symptoms. A national control room
with three emergency lines is also in operation.
Pre-emptively, the government cancelled a trade and investment summit
between India and Africa scheduled for early December in Delhi because
of the threat from Ebola.
More than 1,000 delegates were expected, including heads of states,
from across the continent.
As well as preventing the virus arriving, India also needs to train
healthcare workers adequately in what to do if it does appear.
Problems faced by the U.S. and Spain where three staff treating Ebola
patients have recently contracted the disease themselves, are chastening
reminders of the need to be prepared.
Dr. Jha, of the Harvard Global Health Institute, said “the training
and infection control practices are not that hard.”
“The real question is whether these hospitals will make it a
priority,” something the Spanish and U.S. hospitals didn’t do, Dr. Jha
Successfully containing an Ebola case in India would depend in large
part on where the disease emerged, according to Dr. Jha.
If it happened in Kerala, for example, where the public health
infrastructure is more advanced, containment would be easier than in
states such as Bihar, where medical facilities are more akin to those in
sub-Saharan Africa, he pointed out.
Another concern is when the outbreak occurs. India’s already
overburdened public hospitals are normally stretched further in October
because of a seasonal peak in cases of dengue fever and typhoid.
These illnesses carry similar symptoms to Ebola including fever
meaning the deadly virus could go undetected.
Only two public centers - the National Institute of Virology in Pune
and the National Centre for Disease Control in Delhi - can currently
diagnose the disease. The health ministry said both have so far tested
96 blood samples for Ebola and none has been found positive.
For now, India’s government is conducting daily assessments of the
risk from Ebola, the Health Minister Harsh Vardhan said Thursday. “We
are keeping a vigilant eye on it.”
- The Wall Street Journal