UN Rapporteur on Right to Health calls for investment treaties
investment agreements should be reviewed to give States the policy space
and power to introduce health laws in the public interest regardless of
the impact of such changes on investors’ rights.
by K M Gopakumar
Investment treaties should be reviewed to ensure that States have the
right to make changes in their laws and policies to further human rights
regardless of the impact of such changes on investors’ rights.
UN auditorium |
This recommendation came from the Special Rapporteur on Right to
Health, Anand Grover, who just completed his term, in his last report to
the UN General Assembly (UNGA).
The UNGA was to consider this report in the third week of October.
The report notes that nearly 40 countries have already began
renegotiation of international investment treaties.
Bilateral investment agreements are under intense scrutiny of various
governments and civil society organisations due to the onerous
obligations they create on governments, and the upscaling of the rights
of TNCs (transnational corporations). The Grover report also calls for
an international treaty to hold TNCs accountable for their violations on
human rights.
[The Human Rights Council at its 26th session passed a resolution to
start a process for an internationally legally binding instrument on
The fifth part of the report deals with the accountability deficit of
TNCs on human rights violations including the right to health.
This part presents the current state of play with regard to the
accountability of TNCs with regard to human rights violations.
Two other sub-sections discuss the shortcomings of international
investment treaties and the investor -state dispute settlement
The report also discusses the justifiability of right to health,
progressive realisation of the right to health and enforcement of right
to health (undocs.org/A/69/150).
TNCs and human rights
The report notes that TNCs’ “increasing presence in the world economy
has enabled them to influence international and domestic law-making and
infringe upon States’ policy space”.
On human rights violation, the report states that TNCs “have also
affected the rights of large communities with impunity, causing
displacement, contamination of groundwater and loss of livelihood.
They have directly perpetrated serious human rights violations, in
particular in developing and least developed countries.
They have thus seriously affected the laws, policies and social and
economic environments of States and have violated the economic, social
and cultural rights of individuals and communities, including the right
to health.”
The report further says that it is “difficult for States or affected
individuals to hold foreign transnational corporations accountable for
harmful actions that were orchestrated through their domestic
According to the report, “The magnitude of violations by
transnational corporations and the ease with which they can evade
responsibility for such violations call for an international mechanism
to hold them liable for human rights abuses”.
The report also points out the shortcomings of a 2011 document
prepared by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on
human rights and transnational corporations and other business
enterprises: “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights -
Implementing the United Nations ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’
Framework”. The first pillar of the Principles requires States to take
measures including institution of laws to ensure accountability of TNC
for their human rights violations.
According to the Grover report “it could be argued, however, that the
State obligation to protect, which is already an important obligation of
States under international human rights law, has been ineffective
against transnational corporations”.
Further, the report also critiques the idea of extending incentives
for TNCs to comply with human rights standards and states that providing
incentives for compliance makes respect for rights a means to attain an
end (the promised incentive), but does not foster respect for rights in
and of themselves”.
The report further points out that access to remedy against human
rights violations mentioned in the Guiding Principles becomes
ineffective due to the inability or unwillingness of States to hold TNCs
accountable for their human rights violations.
The report adds that, “The Guiding Principles also fail to take into
consideration the existing political context, whereby developing
countries may be vulnerable to undue influence from transnational
Business interests may be protected at the cost of the human rights
of those affected communities that remain dependent on States to hold
corporations accountable for violations.
Non-binding responsibilities have therefore not prevented
transnational corporations from violating human rights”.
According to the report “there is an urgent need for an international
instrument that can address the increasing complexities presented by
transnational corporations’ multi-jurisdictional organisation and global
influence. Moreover, because not all States have a robust regulatory
mechanism, owing either to their poor negotiating power or because they
are unwilling to hold domestic corporations accountable for harms
caused, obligations should also be conferred on domestic corporations”.
International investment agreements
Apart from the accountability and monitoring mechanism, the report
calls for an effective enforcement mechanism to remedy and discourage
Towards this the report proposes an adjudicatory mechanism to examine
individual or State complaints against transnational or domestic
The report states that international investment agreements allow TNCs
to reduce States’ policy space and States’ power to introduce health
laws in the public interest.
It states that, “Given that the agreements are concluded between
States, they do confer no obligations on transnational corporations to
respect, protect and fulfil the right to health, allowing corporations
to continue profit-making activities even if they are violating
individuals’ right to health”.
The report questions the secrecy and lack of consultation at national
level while negotiating investment agreements.
It points out that “The rights to information and to participate in
the decision-making process are essential for the enjoyment of the right
to health.
Those elements of the right to health framework are undermined when
international investment agreements are negotiated and concluded in
According to the report “the practice of withholding information from
stakeholders such as civil society groups has been held to be
non-discriminatory, even where the same information was provided to
corporations with the justification that corporations have expertise in
matters relating to free trade agreements. Such inequity in access to
information can enable corporations to influence the content of an
international investment agreement in their favour”.
The report warns of the threat of investment and trade agreements on
the enjoyment of right to health.
“Pharmaceutical companies may be able to challenge the patent laws of
host States if such laws do not comply with investors’ rights under the
free trade agreement, even though such patent laws may be compliant with
the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.
States may thus be unable to check the increasing cost of medicines,
which undermines their core obligation to ensure access to health
facilities, goods and services, including essential medicines,
especially for vulnerable groups”.
The report notes that “International investments agreements are
treated as a stand-alone legal code and often do not contain references
to the right to health.
They should, however, be interpreted in a manner that does not
conflict with human rights law …”
The report calls on States to review these investment agreements to
ensure that States have the right to change laws and policies in
furtherance of human rights irrespective of the impact of such changes
on the investor’s right.
In the absence of an international legal framework to hold TNCs
accountable for their human rights violations, the report calls upon
States to incorporate provisions in investment agreements to enable them
to hold TNCs liable for human rights violations in both the home country
and the host country.
Furthermore, the report also urges States “to ensure their ability to
implement human rights-friendly laws is not in any way hindered by the
(investment) agreement”.
Investor-State Dispute Settlement
Grover’s report stress various shortcoming of the investor-state
arbitration process provided in investment agreements.
According to the report, “the high cost of arbitration and the threat
of an adverse judgment can create a chilling effect on States,
dissuading them from fulfilling their right to health obligations.”
In addition, “These disputes may also deplete States’ resources,
which can affect their ability to progressively realise the
resource-dependent aspects of the right to health”.
It notes that out of 568 known investor-State arbitrations most of
them were brought against developing countries and nearly 85 percent of
the cases were brought by investors from developed countries.
The report states that, “the current system of investor-State dispute
settlement also suffers from bias and conflicts of interest. The dispute
settlement is controlled by a small clique of arbitrators and lawyers,
and the same person may be counsel, arbitrator and adviser to an
investor or State at different times”.
According to the report the “the enormous size of such awards can
have a negative effect on the State’s ability to implement health
policies. For example, in CME v. Czech Republic, the compensation
awarded to the investor was equal to the entire health budget of the
The key recommendations of the report
are as follows:
- States review, renegotiate or enter into international investment
agreements in an open and transparent manner, with the participation of
affected communities and other stakeholders;- International investment
agreements should include provisions that:(a) Confer human rights
obligations on host and home States and investors;(b) Allow host States
to modify existing laws, or adopt new laws, to comply with their
obligations under the right to health or in times of crisis affecting
the entire State;(c) Enable States to initiate disputes when investors
do not comply with or violate the right to health.
- Investor-State dispute settlement systems should be made
transparent and be modified to:(a) Ensure that arbitrators are unbiased;
(b) Establish a regionally representative, permanent panel of
(c) Require the details of a dispute to be published and continuously
updated as soon as an investor issues the notice of intent;
(d) Ensure that non-parties to disputes have the right to attend
arbitration proceedings;(e) Ensure that those who are not party to the
dispute, especially affected communities, have a right to make written
and oral submissions;
(f) Allow arbitration to be conducted in host States to facilitate
access to the arbitration by interested parties;
(g) Institute a system of review of arbitration awards to reduce
- The adoption of an international treaty that will:
Confer specific, binding human rights obligations, including the
right to health, on transnational corporations;
Prevent investors from encroaching on States’ policy making space;
Provide for an accessible and effective adjudicatory forum where
States and individuals can hold transnational corporations accountable
for violations of the right to health.
- Until an international treaty is formulated, States (should) adopt
a declaration on human rights obligations of transnational corporations.
- Third World Network Features.