Fixing the weakest link in global health governance
References to 'global health governance' have become increasingly
popular. Many universities are following the trend. Some are pursuing
the option of providing masters and other tailored training courses that
reflect the growing importance of the links between globalisation and
health and the nexus between the two.
World Health Assembly |
Many world leaders have also recognized the need to pay particular
attention to common health risks. When United States President Barack
Obama and African leaders met in August 2014 in Washington, DC, at the
first Africa-US Leaders Summit, they recognised the challenges posed by
common health threats. They all looked forward to the creation of an
African Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Even leaders of the
security-oriented North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), when they
met in Wales in September 2014, included health risks as elements that
could torpedo military planning in their operations around the world.
The UN Security Council too has been conducting meetings over the
past weeks to address the current Ebola outbreak as a threat to
international peace and security. It is important that such attention is
placed on health at the very highest levels of government. The intensity
of the cooperation between the World Health Organization (WHO) and
individual African countries in the current Ebola crisis has again
revealed how health threats cannot be quarantined and dealt with within
national boundaries alone.
There is no question that national and global levels of governance
are vital in dealing with these common health problems. However, a
critical vacuum remains regarding what happens at the regional level
that intermediates between national and global health responses.
The role of cross-border regional structures and initiatives in
confronting health risks cannot be underestimated. The creation of
robust regional health warning systems can help to alert countries of
the risk of viruses and assist them in shaping and coordinating
individual reactions. Common regional health initiatives including
twinning/partnering of referral hospitals and laboratories can help
scale the sharing of vital data needed to predict and avert epidemics
and pandemics while also scaling and optimizing scarce resources.
What is more, joint and coordinated procurement of medicines,
vaccines and also diagnostic/ preventive kits can be more beneficial
than individually negotiated deals.
This is so because of the price benefits associated with scaling bulk
In spite of these advantages, the importance placed on regional level
health response remains limited and consistently inadequate. Beyond the
European Union and, to an extent, the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR)
and the Southern African Development Community (SADC), performance of
regional organizations in the area of health is timid, at best.
Failure to amply address this gap will lead to aggravated
uncoordinated responses in addressing critical health threats. It is
arguable that various national governments and WHO itself are the needed
levels of response. As such, some may regard the regional level as an
unnecessary onerous bureaucratic burden in the chain of health
governance. This may be so, given the linear and direct channels of
communication between WHO and its various member states. Yet even WHO
itself recognizes the need for complementary regional responses to its
global health challenges. That is why it has specific regional offices
that provide services tailored to the needs to given regions.
Global health governance will be strengthened if the various national
governments and stakeholders, as well as WHO, increase partnerships with
regional organisations. How can this be done? There is need for greater
cooperation and exchange of information between WHO's regional offices
and respective relevant regional organisations that have a mandate in
the areas of health promotion and health governance.
Related to this is the need for periodic results-oriented activities
between heads of relevant regional organisations and the head of WHO.
This could take the format of or be aligned to the periodic meetings
held between the United Nations Secretary General and leaders of
regional arrangements and agencies whose mandates include security
amongst others.
Widening the participatory space within the World Health Assembly for
these entities to become observers, as is the European Union (EU), would
also be useful and highly salutary.
Further, it is vital that regional organisations that are mainly
composed of least developed countries make full use of the flexibilities
built into the World Trade Organisation's Agreement on Trade Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS). WTO decisions/declarations and
TRIPS amendments have made this possible. Yet countries have underused
A case could also be made that stringent conditions in using these
flexibilities need to be relaxed as they are currently replete with
protracted red tape. WHO has conducted work through its special working
groups exploring how TRIPS flexibilities can be maximized in accessing
affordable medicines. The importance and relevance of this work needs to
be felt as well at the regional level through the work of the regional
offices of WHO in their engagements with relevant regional outfits.
Linked to the preceding, it is vital that regional organisations
establish channels that connect their activities with regional
intellectual property organisations to maximise joint procurements and
use of collective licenses in terms of obtaining affordable medicines
and vaccines.
In addition, for regional entities to be taken more seriously, they
really need to show what they can bring to the table. What are they
doing to promote collective action on research and development in the
biomedical field? What are they doing concretely through adoption and
implementation of initiatives akin to the former Framework Programs and
current Horizon 2020 plans of the EU?
This is really where the rubber hits the road. Regional outfits with
health mandates can scale their limited budgets (even through
partnership with the private sector and foundations) to explore ways of
supporting local/regional cooperation between researchers and research
institutes that work on common health problems.
Finally, regional organizations with a mandate in health need dynamic
evaluation and monitoring tools that properly link up global resources
and local/national realities. Here is where the important initiative we
work with, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council of the
United Kingdom (UK), comes in.
The initiative looks at the connections between poverty reduction and
regional integration (PRARI) with a focus on pro-poor health policies
that mainly confront the needs of the most vulnerable in societies,
especially in the post-2015 context as countries and international
institutions debate ways of securing optimal financing for development.
The PRARI initiative explores ways in which regional institutions can
partner with both local and global outfits to map out a canvas of
indicators, which are usable by regional policy makers and practitioners
to monitor key health results and trends.
International experts involved in the project are pulled from the
Open University (UK), the University of Southampton, the United Nations
University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS),
FLACSO Argentina and the South African Institute of International
Affairs. The approach used is heavily participative with a sharpened
intensity on the input from those in the regional bodies (mainly SADC
and UNASUR) that would use the toolkit of indicators developed to gauge
effectiveness of regional pro-poor health policies in Bolivia, Paraguay,
Swaziland and Zambia.
Better integration of regional contributions to the global health
institutional architecture is worthwhile. But realising this goal will
not be thorn-free.
The risks are that there is a danger of inflated and unpredictable
costs for expanding bureaucracies and of adding more layers to an
already complex tapestry of institutional responses. However, in the
unique area of health where many viruses and germs defy border controls,
more communication and coordination across the national, regional and
global levels of governance would strengthen global health governance.
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