hairball removed from girl's stomach
A teenage girl has undergone surgery to remove a hairball weighing
almost 4 kgs from her stomach! Eighteen-year-old, Ayperi Alekseeva, from
Kyrgyzstan, spent many years picking up hair off carpets and eating it,
as well as chewing on the tips of her own hair.
The build up of hair in Ayperi's stomach caused a blockage in her
digestive system and left her unable to even drink a glass of water
without being sick and she was losing weight due to being unable to eat.
The teenager was brought to hospital by her parents who told doctors
that their daughter had been complaining of severe stomach pains.
Doctors who performed emergency surgery on Ayperi said that if the
teenager hadn't sought medical attention when she did, she would
certainly have died from her dehydration and malnourishment.
In 50 years of medical records, no evidence of a hairball this large
has been found.
Ayperi is now recovering well and will soon return home with her
family, and she has promised never to chew hair in the future.
- Internet
New Zealanders using 53 p.c. more internet data

In a recent analysis, it was discovered that New Zealanders are using
53 percent more Internet data within the year ended June in comparison
to the previous year. This comes to no surprise as online streaming
websites become more popular such as TV-on-demand Internet sites. The
Government statistician reported that the 53,000 terabytes used was
equivalent to streaming more than 12 million high-definition super-hero
These figures do not include Internet data connections from mobile
phones, which has also risen 16 percent to 3.7 million. Because of this
high data usage, it is common for individuals to have their broadband
connections data caped at 50 gigabytes or more. It is a major change to
three years ago when only a mere four percent had such large data caps.
- Internet
found living in woman's nose
A 24-year-old backpacker from Edinburgh, Daniela Liverani, found an
unwelcome hitchhiker in her nose! The sneaky tagalong? A three inch
leech! After a trip to South East Asia, Daniela had been suffering from
nosebleeds for weeks, but believed they were caused by a burst blood
vessel after a motorbike accident.
However, Daniela realised that the wriggling thing in her nose was
alive. She went to the ENT and doctors removed the leech. Daniela
believes she may have picked up the hitchhiker in Cambodia or Vietnam -
unfortunately the leech did not survive his little adventure.
- Internet
Missing parrot returns speaking Spanish

An African Grey parrot who spoke only English, went missing for 4
years before returning home speaking Spanish! Owner, Darren Chick says
he had no idea where his parrot, Nigel, had disappeared to for the four
years he was missing, and was surprised when he was reunited with his
old feathery friend after he reappeared in California.
The couple who found Nigel and their neighbour who also had lost a
parrot, helped reunite Darren and Nigel, who is safe and happy back
I'm sure Darren isn't the only person who would like to find out
where Nigel disappeared to and how he learnt all that Spanish.
- Internet |