Why do mothers die at childbirth?
Every 90 seconds, somewhere in the world a woman
dies giving birth. Multiply that by the days of the year and the
number will undoubtedly shock you out of your comfort zone: 358,000
- no less and probably much more if the unofficial numbers are
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Ven. Buddhaghosha Thera:
A great scholar and commentator
The Buddha was born to the world to relieve the
suffering of man. India, the birthplace of Buddhism reached the
zenith of her glory during the Buddha's time. It encouraged learning
and provided a great scope to all intellectual activities, including
the fine art of writing.
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Child abuse:
Justice delayed is justice denied
‘Rape is horrible because you are violated, you
are scared, somebody takes control of your body and hurts you in the
most intimate way’. Reportedly this utterance was made to the New
York Times by Abdul Abdulail an Indian victim of brutal gang rape
who was a child of 17 years then, now going on her forties.
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