Just cry to improve your physical and mental health
Laughing your sides out is one way of reducing your mental stress, so
they say. But do you know that the reverse, that is by crying, also is
considerd as a therapy for the same mental condition.
In Japan, people gather in groups attend what they call 'crying
seminars' which are conducted by Takashi Saga, who refers to himself as
a 'tears sommelier'. "Selecting wines that match food is similar to my
job," he said. "I introduce books, movies and videos that touch the
people's emotion."
"Crying doesn't have a good image in Japan," Saga added. "People
believe you should not cry in front of people, that it's weak." So twice
a month, Saga organises a 'ruikatsu' - a crying for joy seminar. When
people get emotional and cry, he believes that life's burdens, tensions
and frustrations melt away. "Laughing can only release stress at that
moment. But studies show the stress release from crying lasts for a
week. Crying is better for your physical and mental health."
Some scientific studies have proven that when we cry for emotional
reasons, our tears contain the same kind of hormones released by the
body during physical stress. Most people start his sessions with a poker
face and a 'try and make me' kind of attitude. But the activities that
Saga plans for his class always ensure that no one leaves dry-eyed.
For instance, this one session started off with a traditional story
teller narrating a sad tale. This was followed by a video of emotional
scenes with Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You' playing in the
background. Pretty soon, everyone in the room was crying. Aya Nemoto, a
participant, said: "The story about parent and child touches my emotion,
and I can't stop crying. I released my stress here."
Football craze ends, now it's Motoball!
This popular sport is largely played in Europe,where many countries
even have national teams. Some of the best players in the world are from
This game is a combination of football and motorcycles.Called
Motoball it is played at a regular football field, complete with
There are two teams of five players each - four riders and a goalie,
who is the only one not riding a bike.
The players on motorcycles chase a large ball that is 40 cm in
diameter and weighs about one kilogram.
As the bikers speed towards the ball, they stop the motorcycle with
just one foot and draw the other foot back to kick the ball.
The matches are officiated by two referees, assisted by two linesmen.
A match is split up into four 20-minute periods.
The goalies stand in a red area that is marked as a driver-free zone.
The rest of the grass, mud or concrete field is pretty much free for the
eight riders to run after the ball, at speeds as high as 65 miles per
hour. Expert manoeuvrability skills and lightning-fast reflexes are key
in Motoball matches, as is the ability to shoot the ball accurately from
the motorcycle seat.
There are a few rules set in place for safety, like no smashing, but
that doesn't keep the players from getting hurt.
Former Russian player Boris Loginov, said: "It is one of the least
dangerous motorcycle sports. The most terrible things that happen are
broken legs and broken collar bones. Sometimes a goalie breaks his
"I find it a pleasure to play because it is very dynamic, the quick
changes of situation and the goals," said Sergei Chasovskih, another
player from the '80s. Although Sergei was good at hockey and soccer, he
chose this sport over the others. The 250 cc bikes that the players use
are specially designed for the sport, customized according to the
rider's size.
A Spanish company currently manufactures the bikes, supplying them to
almost all the major Motoball clubs in France, Germany, Russia, Belarus,
Ukraine, Lithuania and the Netherlands. France alone has over 15 clubs,
which are all commissioned by the French Motorcycling Federation. The
favourite sporting season in France is during the summer (March to
Motoball is the reigning sport in several small cities and towns
throughout Russia as well. But the first game ever was played in 1929 in
the French town of Dijon. The game turned out to be so popular that it
spread within a decade to England, the Netherlands, Spain and Belgium.
The first official match took place in 1963, in what was then known
as the Soviet Union. And it was in this region that the sport got
completely entrenched.
As you can guess it's no dainty game. It's a crazy mixture of
noise,fumes and daredevil stunts that players perform on their
Spider under his skin
Creeping or getting under someone's skin is an idiom that means to
bother or to irritate a person.As an example you can say "He really gets
under my skin.I know he is bothersome but don't let him get under your
Can you imagine such a thing really happening.This story is not
fiction but it may make your skin crawl. This instance is not idiomatic
but realistic and the invader here is a spider.
The person who experienced this unbelievable incident is Australian
Dylan Thomas, 21.He was on a vacation in beautiful Bali, Indonesia when
one morning he suddenly woke up and found a mysterious red trail
stretching up his abdomen, which continued to creep higher throughout
the day.
"It was as if someone had scratched me with the tip of a knife," he
Concerned, Thomas visited a hospital, where he was told it could be a
small insect bite.
"So according to the doctors I've come down with some mystery
condition," he said in a Facebook post on Oct. 12 that included a photo
of the scar." Later that day, Thomas posted another photo that showed
the scar beginning to ooze.
"Well after running tests and putting things inside my stomach they
finally found out it was a tropical spider that's been living inside of
me for the past three days, managed to get it out luckily," Thomas wrote
in a follow-up Facebook post, showing off his freshly bandaged scar.
"Haven't felt so violated in my life before! Just glad it's all
The match-head-sized tropical spider had burrowed into Thomas' skin
through his scar from when his appendix was removed recently. |