Deepavali Festival of lights

The festival of lights is celebrated with thousands of oil lamps
lighting up the night, spectacular fireworks and delicious sweets. The
festival falls in the Malayalam month of Thulam (October - November).
Astrologically, on Deepavali day, the sun moves into the Zodiac sign
Libra that signifies commerce. Therefore, Deepavali is considered
auspicious for the merchant community.
According to mythology, Deepavali is celebrated to commemorate the
victory of Krishna over the demon Narakasura. There is much celebration
all over the country marked by lighting of oil lamps, fireworks and
distribution of sweets.
In Sri Lanka Deepavali is celebrated by the Hindus and is a time of
festivity. Children enjoy this day receiving gifts from relatives.
Traditionally, celebrations in Kerala are on a low key as there
aren't too many merchant/business families. But in pockets of prominent
Tamil, Bengali or other north Indian communities, it is celebrated with
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