A world of 'Different Strokes'
by Husna Inayathullah
The beauty of art is that its value is based on the skill of the
artist; the individual's drawing and painting technique, the material
they are most comfortable with and the subject matter that inspires

Hilda Gomes Tennakoon |

Chaminda Molligoda |
This is evident in the exhibition 'Different Strokes' which will
feature the artistic expressions of Hilda Gomes Tennakoon and Chaminda
Molligoda. The two artists are of different backgrounds and experiences
with the commonality being their love for art.
Hilda Tennakoon, a retired teacher has taught in schools from Madampe
Wijaya Maha Vidyalaya in Ratnapura to Visakha Vidyalaya and Belvoir
College in Colombo and she herself was a student at the School of Fine
She said, "Art has always filled me with great joy, ever since my
childhood. I drew whenever and wherever I had the space and time for it.
When I was a student at the School of Fine Arts I learned to bring an
element of novelty to my creations".
A writer currently working at TBWAi Lanka, Chaminda Molligoda shares
this passion for art. "I have always had the ability to draw and thanks
to Cora Abraham Art class and a few classes I took while at university I
have been able to improve my skill.
"As for inspiration, I get that from anywhere, but mostly animals and
These two subjects hold a fascination for me which I can't seem to
get from the inanimate, but that's not to say I won't find inspiration
in a tangle of coloured wires. Though my style is realistic I bring in
some abstract elements just to add value to the entire piece of work".
The 'Different Strokes' exhibition will be held on November 15 and 16
at the National Art Gallery, Colombo 7. It will be open to the public
from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.