An era of global turbulence
Leaders meeting at the
United Nations are facing a world under attack and responses are so far
not matching the manifold crises.
by Martin Khor
When the Cold War ended two decades ago, people throughout the world
looked forward at last to a period of peace. A political scientist wrote
a book predicting "the end of history". Conflict between ideologies and
big powers was over, as those advocating the free market and democracy
had won.
The illusion of the end of conflict is over. At the recent annual
summit of the United Nations, "global turbulence" was very much the
theme of the leaders gathered there. The turbulence is now prevalent in
the political and security arena, and also in environment, as
highlighted at the Climate Summit on September 23.
There is the exponential growth in Ebola cases in West Africa. And
turbulence also well describes the on-going financial and economic
crisis whose shadow is now falling on developing countries.
Under attack
"This has been a terrible year," declared UN Secretary-General Ban Ki
Moon in his opening speech. "From barrel bombs to beheadings, from the
deliberate starvation of civilians to the assault on hospitals, UN
shelters and aid convoys, human rights and the rule of law are under
The crises he mentioned included the tragedy in Gaza, the volatile
situation in Ukraine, the thousands killed in the political war in South
Sudan and the conflicts in the Central African Republic, Mali, the Sahel
and Somalia; and in Iraq and Syria where "we see new depths of barbarity
with each passing day, and devastating spill-over effects" across the
The Secretary-General continued: "This year, the horizon of hope is
darkened. Our hearts are made heavy by unspeakable acts and the deaths
of innocents. Not since the end of the Second World War have there been
so many refugees, displaced people and asylum seekers.
"Never before has the United Nations been asked to reach so many
people with emergency food assistance and other life-saving supplies. It
may seem as if the world is falling apart, as crises pile up and disease
spreads."Saying that today we face far more man-made crises than natural
calamities, he called on the assembled leaders to show leadership and
Double standards
Western leaders, especially United States President Barack Obama,
stressed the need to counter the threat of Islamic extremism, with the
current focus on the Islamic State (IS). In September, Obama had ordered
strikes on many IS targets in Syria.
However, some also questioned the legitimacy of the bombing, as well
as double standards in the handling of terrorism and breaches in
international law, citing for example the killing of Palestinians in
Gaza by Israeli air strikes, without action taken against Israel.
Climate change and Ebola emerged as two big issues last month. On
September 23, Ban Ki-Moon convened a Climate Summit with over a hundred
top political leaders attending. The day before, over 300,000 people
marched through New York, with many groups demanding not only action but
also "climate justice".
It was the biggest climate-related demonstration ever, showing the
public's impatience with the lack of serious governmental action despite
increasing evidence of extreme climate events.
Leaders pledged actions to cut or slow down emissions, but these were
mainly repeats of old promises, and largely inadequate. And only three
European leaders pledged substantial money for the Green Climate Fund,
which in total (around US $1billion each) was far below the US $100
billion a year target promised four years ago. The Summit gave
prominence to the private sector and the actions and investments they
would voluntarily make if incentives were given to them.
Questions were raised if the developed-country governments were
trying to escape from having to take stronger action against the market
forces causing the climate problem, as well as from their commitment to
fund developing countries.
At the end of a day of packed panel discussions involving presidents,
prime ministers, business tycoons, bank CEOs, scientists and a few film
stars (Leonardo de Caprio, Li Bing Bing), Graca Machel (the widow of
Nelson Mandela) challenged the leaders in a closing speech. "There's a
mismatch between the magnitude of the problem and the response today,"
she said.
"Millions took to the streets. If this is what we'll give them as a
response, is it enough? Each of us has to go back to the drawing board
... Look at the pledges and ask if you are matching that challenge.
"It's not about profit but our survival and well-being. You need the
courage to make decisions unpopular with some thousands but for the good
of the millions ... You the need the courage to regulate, and the change
in technology has to be mandatory. "Listen to the people, they are the
ones with the vested interests for change."
I also attended a session on the Ebola threat on 25 September, where
Obama, European Commission chief Barosso, the World Bank president, the
Japanese prime minister and ministers from Cuba, China, East Timor,
Nigeria, Germany and the United Kingdom were among those who pledged to
support the most affected countries - Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.
The presidents of these three countries spoke of how the Ebola crisis
had overwhelmed their societies as the already frail health care systems
collapse.The difficulty of treating the problem was highlighted by the
Liberian president. "We have an extended family system where we take
care of the members and are at the side of the dying. We succumb to
anger if we are told not to touch our sick child or bury our dead."In
this era of turbulence, there is thus the fight back against the
otherwise depressing trends.
As Machel warned, however, we are very near the precipice and may
fall over very soon. The response from political leaders is so far
inadequate to the challenge and must be stepped up.
- Third World Network Features