Sleepless in Seattle
Space Needle. The first time I heard it around
three decades ago, I thought it was something out of science
fiction. Later, when I found that it was a very real structure that
exists right here on Earth, in Seattle to be exact, I yearned to see
it for real. I got that opportunity recently as part of a tour to
the USA.
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Full Moon Poya Day on Thursday:
The climax of theVas season
The Il Full Moon Poya is significant for all
Buddhists for many occurrences. It was on this day that Arhat
Sariputta passed away; he was one of the two Chief Disciples of the
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Unforgettable people and places
[Part 1]
In the modern world many things are going out of
fashion. One such is the concept of friendship. It is almost old
fashioned to say, “Ah, she is a good friend of mine.” I remember
being taken on rounds to see the prisoners at Welikade, the island’s
major prison.
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