Humanity's 'inexorable' population growth expands
The global human population is "locked in" to an inexorable rise this
century and will not be easily shifted, even by apocalyptic events such
as a third world war or lethal pandemic, a study has found.
There is no "quick fix" to the population time-bomb, because there
are now so many people even unimaginable global disasters won't stop
growth, scientists have concluded.
Although measures designed to reduce human fertility in the parts of
the world where the population growth is fastest will eventually have a
long-term impact on numbers, this has to go hand-in-hand with policies
aimed at reducing the consumption of natural resources, they said.

The number of people in the world today will present one of
the most daunting problems for sustainable living on the
planet in the coming century |
Two prominent ecologists, who normally study animal populations in
the wild, have concluded that the number of people in the world today
will present one of the most daunting problems for sustainable living on
the planet in the coming century - even if every country adopts a
draconian "one child" policy.
"The inexorable demographic momentum of the global human population
is rapidly eroding Earth's life-support system," say Prof Corey Bradshaw
of the University of Adelaide and Prof Barry Brook of the University of
"Assuming a continuation of current trends in mortality reduction,
even a rapid transition to a worldwide one-child policy leads to a
population similar to today's by 2100," they say.
"Even a catastrophic mass mortality event of 2bn deaths over a
hypothetical window in the mid-21st century would still yield around
8.5bn people by 2100," they add.
There are currently about 7.1bn people on Earth, and demographers
estimate that this number could rise to about 9bn by 2050 - and as many
as 25bn by 2100, although this is based on current fertility rates,
which are expected to fall over the coming decades.
Prof Bradshaw said that the study was designed to look at human
numbers with the insight of an ecologist studying natural impacts on
animals to determine whether factors such pandemics and world wars could
dramatically influence the population projections.
"We basically found that the human population size is so large that
it has its own momentum.
"It's like a speeding car travelling at 150mph. You can slam on the
brakes but it still takes time to stop," Prof Bradshaw said.
"Global population has risen so fast over the past century that
roughly 14 percent of all the human beings that have ever lived are
still alive today - that's a sobering statistic," he said.
"We examined various scenarios for global human population change to
the year 2100 by adjusting fertility and mortality rates to determine
the plausible range of population sizes at the end of the century.
"Even a worldwide one-child policy like China's, implemented over the
coming century, or catastrophic mortality events such as global conflict
or a disease pandemic, would still likely result in 5bn to 10bn people
in 2100," he said.
The researchers devised nine different scenarios that could influence
human numbers this century, ranging from "business as usual" with
existing fertility rates, to an unlikely one-child-per-family policy
throughout the world, to broad-scale global catastrophes in which
billions die.
"We were surprised that a five-year WWIII scenario mimicking the same
proportion of people killed in the First World War and Second World War
combined, barely registered a blip on the human population trajectory
this century," said Prof Brook.
Measures to control fertility through family planning policies will
eventually have an impact on reducing the pressure on limited resources,
but not immediately, he said.
"Our great-great-great-great-grandchildren might ultimately benefit
from such planning, but people alive today will not," Prof Brook said.
Simon Ross, the chief executive of the charity Population Matters,
said that introducing modern family planning to the developing world
would cost less than $4bn - about one third of the UK's annual aid
"So, while fertility reduction is not a quick fix, it is relatively
cheap, reliable, and popular with most, with generally positive side
effects. We welcome the recognition of the potential of family planning
and reproductive education to alleviate resource availability in the
longer term," Ross said.
- The Independent