ETF goes on-line
Contributors to the Employees’ Trust Fund (ETF) could check their
balance statements and furnish their claim applications to the ETF Board
through the internet and mobile phones, a facility launched by the ETF
Board with the Information Communication Technology Agency (ICTA).
The online viewing of ETF balances and making claims was launched in
Colombo last week.
ETF Board Chairman K. M. A. Godawatte said that with the online
system the cumbersome and time-consuming paper work will come to an end.
Members need not come all the way to the ETF office from far off places
any longer to check balance statements or make claim applications.
They could log into the online network with their log in number
provided by the employer or the ETF Board to obtain information.
“This has been a long-felt need that has come through and we are
confident it will enhance efficiency and speedy delivery of service to
members. The ETF has modernised its facilities in keeping with fast
changing technology. The new facility will be handy as there are a large
number of mobile users and those with access to internet.The ETF has
around 13 million accounts and receives around Rs. 1,400 million a month
as contributions. It has about Rs. 180 billion in funds of which about
Rs. 9 billion has been invested in the stock market. The ETF gets about
13,000 claims a month. Replying to all claims is a hectic task. Sri
Lanka has moved up in the e-governance ranking and it is ranked 33 among
96 countries in electronic services.Secretary to the President Lalith
Weeratunga said that Rs. 1 billion has been allocated through the 2015
Budget for the ICT sector which will enhance the IT literacy rate which
is around 50 percent.
- LF