Landslide - prone residents in Ratnapura warned
by Naalir Jamaldeen
The National Building Research Organisation's (NBRO) Landslide
Division has instructed people living in landslide prone areas in the
Ratnapura district to move to safe areas, due to the adverse weather.
Lower Wavelketiya Division in Ratnapura is also vulnerable to
landslides. Following the instructions from the NBRO 40 families
residing in the lower Wavelketiya left the area and took shelter in
Hapugastanna Estate Hospital.
Hapugastanna Barathi Welfare Society and the Management of
Estate provide food and other rations to 100 persons who have taken
shelter in the Hapugastanna Estate Hospital.
Ratnapura Pradeshiya Sabha and Estate Administration renovated the
to Lower Wavelketiya Division which was damaged by a landslide few
months prior to being renovated by Ratnapura Pradeshiya Sabha and Estate
Management. |