Words, words and words
"All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the
mind." - Khalil Gibran, Lebanese artist, poet, and writer
People may hate words and people may love words; but what is
important is to get them right because modern man lives and breathes
words. Words are under your control until you speak them; but you come
under their control, once you have spoken them. Words are, of course,
the most powerful drug used by humanity and so, words can light fires in
the minds of men; and wring tears from the hardest hearts.
They can be like X-rays: they will go through anything if you use
them properly, and pierce the minds of men, and women alike. Words bring
clarity, reason, and gives shape to things. Therefore, be aware, and
watch your thoughts because they become words; watch your words for they
become actions; watch your actions for they become habits; watch your
habits for they become your character; and watch your character, for it
becomes your destiny. What we think, we become. Hence, always think, "I
am fine". Words could be twisted and turned into any shape: promises
made to lull the heart and seduce the soul can be broken.
Thus, words can become a pretext to bluff, deceive, humbug, lie,
mislead, pretend, and sham. It can also be the door to the wonderful
world of imagination, and may be the reason why William Shakespeare
said, "The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen turns them to shapes
and gives to airy nothing a local habitation and a name." - A Midsummer
Night's Dream.
Words may speak the mind of man; yet, it is not always that a man's
thoughts are, reflected in his words. Perhaps, nature designed the kiss
as a lovely trick to stop speech when words become superfluous; for it
is the inner bond that draws, one person to another, not words.
Lovers would sit with no words exchanged; but their eyes would speak
all the time. His eyes might say "I love you" and hers would say, "I am
sleepy"; and I suppose I should say - frailty thy name is modern love.
Be that as it is, in the final analysis, when it comes to human
relationships, words mean nothing. Words are labels we give things in an
effort to wrap our puny little brains around their underlying natures.
Ninety-nine percent of the time, the totality of the reality is an
entirely different beast.
Sometimes not speaking says more than all the words in the world; and
at times, the wisest man is the silent one because amongst his most
prized possessions are words that are never spoken. Hence, when a man is
silent, examine his actions; judge him by them.
Do not always be persuaded by word, whether spoken with intent or
without; because it is action that speaks and not words. Still for all,
in a world where vows are worthless, where making a pledge means nothing
and where promises are, made to be broken; it would be nice to see words
come back into power because all the ideas in the universe can be,
described by words.
Wrap your dreams in words and pattern the words so that they would
live forever. By putting thought to words, and words to letters, one
could make them relied on as honest and truthful; because in written
words you could trust, understand them, and is easier to spot a lie;
they could not change half way through a sentence like tongues of
Words may be the product of wind; but words have consequences. There
are certain meanings that are lost forever the moment they become spoken
words - especially in people whose words emanate from the opposite end
as wind.
That is why Literature is my Utopia: it does not disenfranchise; no
barrier of the senses shuts people out from the sweet, gracious
discourses of books. Books talk without embarrassment or awkwardness and
reading is that fruitful miracle of a communication in the midst of
Reading awakes inside of us that long dormant craving to be mentally
alive. Few pleasures, for the true reader, rival the pleasure of
browsing unhurriedly among books: old books, new books, library books,
other people's books, one's own books - it does not matter whose or
where. Simply to be among books: glancing at one here, reading a page
from one over there, enjoying them all as objects to be touched, looked
at, even smelt, is a deep satisfaction.
Often, very often, while browsing haphazardly, looking for nothing in
particular, you pick up a volume that suddenly excites you, and you know
that this one, you must read.
Those are great moments; and the books we come across like that are
often the most memorable.
Books are the repository of words. Across the millennia, an author is
speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you. Writing
is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who
never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the
shackles of time.
A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic. A book is
more than a verbal structure or series of verbal structures.
The dialogue it establishes, with its reader, and the intonation it
imposes upon his voice and the changing and durable images it leaves in
his memory are irreversible.
A book is not an isolated being: it is a relationship, an axis of
innumerable relationships.
Books may not change our suffering, books may not protect us from
evil, books may not tell us what is good or what is beautiful, and they
will certainly not shield us from the common fate of the grave. Yet,
books grant us myriad possibilities: the possibility of change, the
possibility of illumination.
A written word is the choicest of relics. It is something at once
more intimate with us and yet, more universal than any other work of
art. It is the work of art nearest to life itself.
Translated into every language it can be, read and breathed from all
human lips: books are not lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on
the shelves. Without words, without writing, and without books there
would be no history, there could be no concept of humanity. The history
of the human spirit is books.
Words are fragile, yet they can build a whole, new world because they
are timeless. One should utter them or write them with knowledge of
their timelessness.
The use of words reflects the character of a man. Words can shape the
future of a child and destroy the existence of an adult. Words and eggs
must be, handled with care. Once broken, they are impossible things to
Words could betray you if you chose the wrong ones, or mean less if
you used too many. Jokes could be grandly miscalculated, or stories
deemed boring. Many use too many high-sounding words, but too few
actions that correspond with them.
Words, if you let them, will do what they want to do and what they
have to do because words transform the man who hears it towards the
condition of the man who spoke it.
However, be careful of words, sometimes they swarm like insects and
leave a sting; and always remember that appearance blinds, whereas words
reveal; and very often, when words fail, silence speaks.
In fact, too many words cheapened the value of a man's speech.
Words release a sudden quiver of understanding that travels from word
to brain to heart, with a savage leap of comprehension, the
instantaneous, joyful release of meaning, shedding a flash of heat and
light of awareness in the mind. Language does have the power to change
Therefore, treat your words as the mighty instruments they are.
Use words to heal, to bring into being, to remove, as if by magic,
the terrible violations of memory, to nurture, to cherish, to bless, to
forgive - in short, to create true love. Be a man of less words, but
carefully chosen ones.
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