Woman recovers stolen car after 30 years
A California woman recovered her classic Ford Mustang nearly 30 years
after it was stolen, when a man tried to register the muscle car at a
Department of Motor Vehicles office.
Lynda Alsip said she couldn’t ask for a better Christmas present than
the return of her forest-green 1967 Mustang, the Monterey County Herald
said “I never thought I would see it again,” she told the Herald,
standing in a Salinas tow yard next to her car. “It’s like winning the
She bought the car for $800 in 1985 when she was 17. About a year
later, it was stolen outside her Salinas apartment complex. Police said
the vehicle was found at the Department of Motor Vehicles in Salinas in
September when a man tried to register the car he had for 23 years.