Stymied by an archaic job market
by Amantha Perera
My future is bleak? Pic
coutesy: IPS |
Wathsala Marasinghe, a 33-year-old hailing from the town of Mirigama,
just 50 km from Sri Lanka's capital, Colombo, once had high hopes that
the progressive education and employment policies of this South Asian
island nation would work in her favour. Today, she feels differently,
believing that an evil system has let her down.
As a young girl, she attended one of the best schools in the area and
was selected to attend a state university. "I went there with so much
hope, she tells IPS" but apparently with little knowledge of her true
job prospects.
As an undergraduate she studied Buddhism and her native tongue,
Sinhala. Her plan was to secure a government job, possibly in teaching
or in the public service and preferably close to home.
But when the time came for job hunting, she found herself coming up
against one wall after another.
"I kept applying and going for interviews but never got a job except
as a secretary at a small factory," she says.
This post did not come close to her employment aspirations, and she
was forced to quit after a month. "The salary was Rs. 8,000 (about
US$59)" "I had to spend half of that on travelling", she explains.
The average monthly income in Sri Lanka is about US$ 300.
She continued to apply, but each time she found herself sitting among
a crowd of applicants that seemed to get younger and younger.
Stark reality
The stark reality of the situation has now become clear to her, and
she has given up going for interviews altogether, embarrassed to be in
the company of other hopefuls who "look like my daughters."
Marasinghe's conundrum is not rare in Sri Lanka, despite the
country's purported efforts to achieve targets on gender equality and
visible signs of progress on paper.
In 2012, the Gender Gap Report produced by the World Economic Forum
ranked Sri Lanka 39th out of 135 countries surveyed, an unsurprisingly
strong placement given that the country of 20 million people has a
female adult literacy rate of 90 percent. This rises to 99 percent for
female youth in the 15-24 bracket.
Furthermore, girls outnumber their male counterparts at the secondary
level, indicating a dedication to gender equality across the social
However this has not translated into equitable employment
opportunities, or wage parity between men and women.
Government labour statistic's indicate that 64.5 percent of the 8.8
million economically active people in Sri Lanka are men, while just 35.5
percent are women. Of the economically inactive population, just 25.4
percent are men, and 74.6 percent are women.
Lack of parity
The female unemployment rate in Sri Lanka is over two-and-a-half
times that of the male rate, and almost twice the national figure.
According to government data, only 2.9 percent of men entering the
labour market remain unemployed, while the corresponding figure for
women is 7.2 percent. The national unemployment rate is 4.2 percent.
The same Government figuresindicate that education and skills do not
necessarily help females secure employment "On the contrary, they could
result in a lifetime of frustrations. The problem of unemployment is
more acute in the case of educated females than educated males, said the
latest labour force survey's compiled by the Census and Statistics
Experts say there are a multitude of structural and social reasons
behind the high rate of female unemployment.
For starters while nearly three in four males enter the job market,
it is the reverse for women, with just 35 percent of working-age females
actually seeking employment, resulting in a skewed supply chain.
Economist Anushka Wijesinha, who works as a consultant to government
ministries, says that women who seek higher education also have higher
job aspirations, but the job market has not grown fast enough to cater
to such needs.
Aspirations are shifting away from working in the industrial sector
as before, more women are keen to work in services like retail but jobs
in this sector haven't grown fast enough to cater to the changing
aspirations. So we are seeing queuing, women waiting for those jobs and
not getting them, he tells IPS. Muttukrishna Sarvananthan, an economist
who heads the Point Pedro Institute of Development, shares that
analysis, but believes that female unemployment levels should be
adjusted to include the roughly 600,000 Sri Lankan women working
overseas, the bulk as domestic workers.
He is also an advocate of placing an economical value on women who
are fully occupied with looking after households.
Currently, the single largest employer of women is the agricultural
sector at 33.9 percent, while the services sector employs around 42
percent of women, while industries employ around 24 percent.
There are other reasons why women stay away from work. Nayana
Siriwardena, a 35-year-old mother of two, used to work till she had her
first child. After the government-stipulated three months maternity
leave ran out, she had to return to work.
Economic value
"What I found problematic was that the workplace could not be
flexible enough to address my situation," she said. She worked in book
keeping and tried to impress upon her employers that some of the work
could be done from a remote location.
"But they did not understand that, which I found surprising because
the company was quite progressive in other areas and also because young
mothers are not a rare occurrence in any establishment." Wijesinha feels
that maternal benefits themselves, which legally must be provided for
three months, can act as a deterrent to some companies.
Maternal benefits have to be paid in full by the employer. This means
that employers maybe deterred from hiring young women, because they know
they likely have to pay maternal benefits, he said.
Sarvananthan says that security for women at the work place, during
the commute, and for their offspring could play a huge role in changing
employment figures.
In order to boost labour force participation by women, a
carrot-and-stick approach could be pursued by the state. Paternity
leave, child care, services at workplaces, and better and safer public
transport facilities for women could be provided by the private and
public sectors in order toincentivise women to join the labour market,
he argues. He also believes the government should ink an equal
opportunities law that legally undermines discriminatory policies.
Currently, the constitution stipulates that no one should be
discriminated based on sex, but there is no law that provides for equal
pay for the same work.
Having more women in the workplace is not only a current problem but
could also be a future crisis, as Sri Lanka's working population ages.
Currently, 17 percent of the population is above the age of 55, while
25 percent is below 15 years, meaning only around 50 percent are
believed to be in the working age group.
Given that women comprise just over half of the population, and our
working age population peak is beginning to wane, it is critical that we
have maximum participation from women in the workforce, Wijesinha
Many believe a higher portion of women in decision-making positions
could right these imbalances. Women's political representation remains
low, with less than 6.5 percent women in parliament, less than six
percent in provincial councils, and fewer than two percent in local
As the country moves towards elections, activists and rights groups
are calling for a 30 percent quota for women in the 20th Amendment to
the Constitution. If this goal is realised, it could spell change for
people like Marasinghe, who, after a decade of searching for her elusive
dream job, has all but given up hope.
(IPS) |