Dilly dallying with the monsoon
by Amantha Perera
South Asian countries need to react faster to weather forecasts and
prepare better for increasingly erratic monsoon rains in order to
maintain the region’s agricultural production and meet energy needs,
experts say.

“In spite of the availability of pre-monsoon forecast products, these
countries often have seen slower reactions to this set of information
and not certainly at a pace required to save livelihoods, assets and
life,” says Atiq Kainan Ahmed, early warning systems specialist at the
Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Thailand.
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasts that the onset of
the monsoon over the sub-continent would begin on 30 May, give or take
four days, and that the quantity of rainfall would be 93 per cent of the
long-term average.
[Speed read]
* South Asia can prepare better for erratic
weather to meet
agricultural and energy
* Pre-monsoon forecasts are available, but
there is little awareness or
* Monsoon patterns over the sub-continent
have fluctuated over the last
two years |
The monsoon rains would bring relief to heat wave conditions
prevailing over India that have claimed 700 lives over the past week.
IMD Director, B.P. Yadav, says temperatures have reached 47 degrees
Celsius in parts of India as a result of hot winds blowing in from
Pakistan’s Sindh province.
India has limited adaptive capacity to heat waves and the impacts can
be severe in the future, warns a paper published last month (April) in
Regional Environmental Change.
Ahmed attributes the poor response to warnings of extreme and
anomalous weather to a combination of factors, including lack of
awareness and low preparedness.
In the last two years the monsoon fluctuated widely with
above-average rains in 2013 and below-average rains last year. This year
the predictions are for below-average rains attributed by the region’s
meteorological offices to the El Nino phenomenon.
“Below-normal rainfall is likely over broad areas of western, central
and southwestern South Asia and some areas in the northeastern-most
parts of the region,” the South Asian Climate Outlook Forum said in a
statement following its annual forum on 15—22 April in Dhaka.
“Latest forecasts indicate a 70 per cent probability for El Niño
conditions to persist until the southwest monsoon season. There is also
a possibility for El Niño conditions to strengthen further during the
later part of the monsoon season. El Niño conditions are known typically
to weaken the South Asian southwest monsoon circulation and adversely
impact rainfall over the region.”
Last year, Sri Lanka lost 25 per cent of the rice harvest after
farmers ignored advice to reduce crop extent or resort to alternate
crops that demand less water. “We need to be assertive with follow-up
action,” L. Chandrapala, Director General of Sri Lanka’s Meteorological
Department, says.
Reduced monsoon rainfall may slightly help millions affected by the
earthquake in Nepal.
“It does not make matters any better that the monsoon could be less
intense, because the rains will last between June and September and
millions are out there in the open without proper shelter or other
facilities — constant rains is the last thing they want,” says Rupa
Joshi, Communications Manager, UNICEF-Nepal.