Peterite Lakshan and Richmondite Charith in battle for supremacy
With the final stages around the corner Peterite Lakshina Rodrigo and
Richmondite Charith Asalanka arestill going strong occupying the first
two places in the platinumcategory in the division one school cricket
tourney at the end of the12th week count of the Sunday Observer/Mobitel
Mostpopular Schoolboy Cricketer Of The year contest. Peterite Rodrigo
polled in 23241 votes to Charith Asalanka's 19508 in the platinum.
Whil;e RandevPathirana maintained his top poisition in the gold category
with13696 votes. Ramindu Nlkechala of Devapathiraja Ratgama is insecond
place with 10,559 votes.