Able B/G respectable well established business family from Matale district seeks below 40 academically qualified professional or businessman for our daughter. She is 32 yrs, 5’1”, good character, well mannered, religous, pretty, smart, highly qualified (BA - local/MBA - UK) & currently running family business. She inherits considerable assets. Please contact a son from a similar family background. Contact 0662284734
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified N/S T/T well mannered son age between 34-39 years is sought by Vishvakula, Govi Buddhist parents for their youngest daughter 33 years 5’ 6” pretty, fair, slim, will be a caring and loving partner. She is a BSc graduate in Fashion Design. Please reply with full details in first letter including family details, contact number and horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified partner below 32 is sought by G/B professional parents living in Australia for their 28+ years, 5’1”, slim, fair pretty daughter. She is a MSc. qualified Chartered Accountant employed in Australia, Australian citizen, brought up with Sinhala Buddhist values. Please email with full family details to
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified partner is sought by Sinhala Buddhist parents living in Australia for their pretty slim and fair daughter 36 years, height 5’3” double Degree and Masters qualified Medical Scientist, working in a Hospital in Australia. Please respond with details. Email :
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified son from a respectable family is sought by B/G parents for their professionally qualified daughter, working and living in UK 32 years, 5’4’’ fair will be in Sri Lanka early December. Please respond with a family details and horoscope.
[email protected]
0112616073 (after 5.00p.m).
Academically and professionally qualified well- mannered partner with sober habits age below 30 is sought by Vishva Buddhist parents for their eldest daughter 25 years 5’6’’ graduated and employed overseas.Willing to relocate if required caste is immaterial. Reply with horoscope and family details to
[email protected]
Academically and professionally qualified, good looking partner with sober habits is sought by G/B mother from a very respectable family in Galle, for her daughter, 27, 5’1.5’’. She has a degree in Economics from university of Colombo and is currently reading for her MBA at PIM. She is good looking, well brought up, possesses an excellent character and inherits substantial assets. Reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail:
[email protected]
Academically and professional qualified son working and residing in Australia is sought by B/G respectable, professional parents in Kandy for their daughter 25 yrs 5’5” fair, slim, pretty a teacher in an international college. She has obtained A.M.I diploma to work overseas countries, brother resides in Melbourne (P.R) Kindly reply with family details and the horoscope to
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified handsome son below 36 is sought for MBBS lady doctor in a Govt. Hospital 31, 5’3”, divorced after brief marriage. She inherits property worth more than 35 million including modern house, car Shani Mangala Yoga. Differences immaterial.
[email protected]
Academically professionally qualified son, sought by Colombo suburbs Buddhist G/K parents for 1979/09 born slim fair pretty religious daughter. Looks very young, 5’3’’ B.Sc(Hons), ACMA (UK), CEMA. Accountant in on International organization. Wushchika, Punawasa, Kuja 09, Non-Melific in 1,2,7,8. Reply with full details and horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
Academically / professionally qualified handsome sober son is sought by B/G parents from Colombo for their 33+, 5’2” slim, pretty, religious graduate daughter employed as an Accountant in U.A.E. visiting Sri Lanka for a short vacation in November. Reply with family details, contact number, and horoscope to
[email protected]
Academically, professionally qualified partner is sought by Kandyan Buddhist Govigama parents for their attractive, fair, slim,30+ years, 5’8” daughter, recently completed M.Sc. in Australia. (she is legally divorced after an unsuccessful marriage without any encumbrances.) Reply with horoscope, family details and contact number. e-mail
[email protected]
Academically, professionally qualified well mannered son with sober habits is sought by retired parents for daughter fair pleasant, brought up with Buddhist & cultural values, studying for her Masters working in private sector, born in 1992 Nov. 5’2” height. We value NS/TT son. Reply with horoscope, full details. gmail:
[email protected]
Amiable learned son holding a respectable position is sought for 27+, BSc. Honours MBA qualified fair amiable Senior Engineer daughter who owns valuable assets by well connected Buddhist Durawa parents horoscope or date time place of birth essential. Email
[email protected]
Anglican Christian parents seek a well-educated, strong Christian son between the ages of 32 and 37 years for their 32 years old daughter working as a Post-Doctoral Researcher in Australia. Our daughter is extremely kind-hearted with strong Christian moral values. The family is all well-established professionals domiciled in New Zealand. Please email:
[email protected]
An educated well established kind hearted partner below 50yrs sought for professional daughter pretty and young looking 44yrs divorced recently after an incompatible and deceitful brief marriage with considerable assets. Email:
[email protected]
Australian PR holder, Accounts manager, 30 years, 5’5” pretty daughter,divorced as an plaintiff party. G/B parents retired Government servants seek professionally qualified son with sober habits and good value.Reply with full family details,horoscope and contact numbers.Email
[email protected]
Australian resident well established SGB parents seek a partner for their younger daughter a Dental Doctor employed in Australia. Our younger daughter is 26 years old, 5’4”, smart and good looking with an unblemished character. She has been brought up in a Sinhala Buddhist environment. We are seeking a son in a similar, professional standing, preferably living in Australia or New Zealand. Please write with family details and a copy of horoscope.
[email protected]
A fair, pretty, charming daughter with an unblemished character. 5’3” B/K (caste immaterial). Working in the Accounting field in a reputed company in Colombo. 1975 born. Looks much younger. She will receive a valuable house. Good family background. Kuja Dosha. 0714763287 (after 7pm)
[email protected]
A professional age between 40-46, height above 5’6”, Sought by Buddhist, Govi, retired parents for pretty daughter Deputy Manager, Leading Private Bank. Substantial assets available.
[email protected]
A son - (not to be son-in-law) with religious and cultural values, and who cares others tenderly is sought for their only child - daughter with pleasing personality , who has been brought up with Buddhist, Sinhalese culture & social values in a very pleasant family environment, she is just 31 years, with a MBA, working as a Manager in a leading company , Colombo, studied in a leading girls , School in Colombo, 5’4”. She is entitled for some property and a brand new vehicle. Her parents are retired and come from a respected K/G Buddhist family from Colombo. Apply with horoscope. E-mail:
[email protected]
Bodu/Govi parents in Moratuwa looking for a educated son residing in Melbourne for their daughter brought-up with Sinhalese/Buddhist values. 27Years,5’, pretty, smart, graduate Australian PR holder, currently employed. Engaged legally separated within a short period.Kuja in 7th,8th preferred.
[email protected]
Buddhist retired parents in Kandy seek a suitable son for their daughter, 1981 June, 5’, working in the Computer field of a University and presently following a Postgraduate Diploma in Accountancy. Kuja 01. Reply with horoscope and family details. Cast immaterial. E-mail:
[email protected]
B/G Colombo parents seek suitable partner for their pretty daughter, studied at a leading school in Colombo. Reading for CIMA & PGDF. Born in 1978 and has worked as a senior Assistant Accountant. Kuja 8th house. E-mail:-
[email protected]
B/G family, well established outstanding family background all brothers & sisters are well qualified. Retired Civil Engineer father seeking a partner for his Engineer (BSc) daughter currently working at a Government Department. She is 5’ 5” in height, slim and 37 years old. Contact 045-2263464 (after 8.00 p.m) Email:
[email protected]
B/G mother living in Australia Sydney seeks an academically qualified professional partner living in Australia, below 34 years for her 27 year old daughter 5’ 4” in height graduate working as a Project Coordinator in a permanent position. She is an Australian dual citizen. Visiting Sri Lanka in December. Reply with horoscope, family details. Email:
[email protected] or 0429031288.
B/G mother seeks educated son for Accountant daughter, 5’4” 1973 substantial assets available. 0112231209, 0915725913.
[email protected]
B/G parents seek suitable educated partner for only daughter 37 yrs. 5’7” graduated and postgraduated in Australia well employed in Australia but wishes to settle down in Sri Lanka in future. email -
[email protected]
B/G parents seek suitable son height above 5’8” for their very young looking, slim, fair daughter 5’3”, 32, Italian PR currently in SL for a short visit. Reply with full details and horoscopes.
[email protected]
B/G professional retired parents Colombo suburbs seek academically professionally qualified kind understanding son NS/TT, below 38 yrs above 5’4” for their slim pretty only daughter 32yrs, 5’4” IT graduate, CIMA part-qualified , holding MBA, brought up with Buddhist values reply with family details & horoscope never married replies are welcome. Email to:
[email protected]
B/K professional parents from Colombo District seek professionally and academically qualified N/S, T/T, son for their daughter born in September 1985, 5’ 2” educated at a leading girls’ school in Colombo. She is a Management graduate (Hons) and currently working as an executive at a Government Ministry. She inherits assets. Reply with family details and horoscope.
Canadian citizens, Sinhalese treasurably professional Udarata, Bodu Govi family originally from Kandy seek a groom for their only child pretty, slim, daughter 1987 August 5’4” grew up with parents. She obtained her BASc and MASc Chemical Engineering from a reputed University in Toronto. At present employed as an Engineering Project Manager. We are looking for an academically qualified of similar background (upcountry Radala or Govi) (Engineer/ MBBS doctor or someone reading for PhD is preferred). Please write with family details and copy of horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
Christian Sinhala parents seek for their fair pretty slim daughter 27 years of age 5’2’’ tall graduated from a prestigious foreign from a prestigious foreign university presently employed at a international organization and is well established . abroad. She will be in holiday in Sri Lanka this Christmas, We are happy looking up for a suitable young man equally qualified and well established . Who should be a Good Christian. Kindly apply giving all details of son and family. thank you. Email:
[email protected]
Colombo District B/K parents seek a suitable educated well employed son (Middle-Class) with sober habits for their 1977 born 5’3” very young looking slim very fair pretty Lecturer daughter (Masters) in Colombo District. Caste immaterial. Reply with horoscope family details in English or Sinhala by post or email. Email :
[email protected]
Colombo suburbs Sinhalese B/V mother, retired Teacher seeks a tall (above 5’7”) well built, smart, well mannered and educated professional or businesman son from a Buddhist respectable family for her 1982 born, 5’2”, tall, fair, slim, attractive, foreign educated Entrepreneur daughter with BBA, MBA, ACIM, MFin (C). Caste immaterial. Reply with horoscope and full family details in the first instance to,
[email protected]
Colombo, Buddhist / Deva respectable family seeks a son having same status, for 39, 5’6” pleasant, educated, well-mannered daughter, Bank Legal Officer, divorced. No encumbrances. Inherits substantial assets. Please reply with full details, horoscope, contact number. Email -
[email protected]
Educated partner sought by Catholic Karawa mother for Executive daughter 48, 5’4”.
[email protected]
Educated, family oriented, handsome son who is residing in USA, Canada, Australia or UK is sought by Sinhalese Catholic parents for their 27 years old, pretty, professionally qualified Canadian born daughter. Please reply
[email protected]
GB parents living abroad seeks kind hearted professionally qualified partner for their daughter 36yrs, fair, slim, long hair, pretty, fluent, in English, smart, employed executive capacity owning her own vehicles inheriting a property worth around 15 million in suburbs of Nugegoda. Reply with family details and horoscope.
[email protected]
Govi Buddhist parents seek suitable partner for their very pretty fair slim, attrractive daughter 37 years, 5’ 2” BSc graduate. Owns assets including 02 houses and other valuable property, divorced from an unsuccessful short arranged marriage, with no encumbrances.
[email protected]
G/B Colombo parents seek a suitable partner for their daughter 39, Govt executive for immediate marriage.
[email protected]
G/B Parents residing in Colombo seek for their fair, pretty, daughter, born 1988, 5’ 1”. She has completed her Business Management Diploma at a reputed college in the UK and is nearing the completion of her BSc in Management and International Business from Edith Cowan University, Australia, at a reputed institution in Sri Lanka. We seek an educated son residing abroad, for a potential relationship leading to marriage. Please reply with horoscope with full particulars to:
[email protected]
G/B parents Colombo suburbs seek professionally / academically qualified partner for their daughter 28 y. old 5’2” pretty Graduate Colombo University with CIMA passed finalist, Postgraduate qualification employed in International Organization. Respond with horoscope and family details.
[email protected]
G/B parents seek partner age 45-52 established, for daughter age 43, 5’1”, qualified, established, good looking. Please send contact details. Divorcees, widows considered. Differences immaterial.
[email protected]
G/B professional parents from Colombo suburbs seek an academically professionally qualified son with good qualities for the MBBS Doctor daughter born in 1987, 5’4’’, pretty and kind hearted. Reply with family details and horoscope. E-mail:
[email protected]
G. Christian mother seeks a partner for daughter 30 well mannered slim educated in a leading private school in Colombo. Fully qualified in CIMA CIM employed in a private company, will inherit assets.
Kandy Buddhist father a retired staff officer, seeks academically and professionally qualified well mannered partners for his attractive, fair, slim 28 years (1987 March) old twin daughters. They hold BSc (Hons) (Special) degree and currently working as Temporary Lecturers in a leading University in Sri Lanka. Please reply (in English/ Sinhala) with details and contact number to
[email protected]
Kandy Buddhist parents seek suitable partner to the eldest daughter born 1984 December, 5’6”, slim, fair, pretty, professionally qualified executive in Colombo prestigious company. Kuja 7, please reply with horoscope & family details.
[email protected]
Kandy Catholic Sinhala Doctor mother seeks son for 27 yrs, 5’3’’, convent educated graduate employed daughter, deceased father Tamil. Race immaterial willing to migrate, Christians considered.
[email protected]
Karawa Roman Catholic mother, director of well established family owned group of companies seeks compatible son (caste immaterial, Buddhist considered) for smart & prett well brought up daughter (widow with adorable 3 1/2 old son) 33 yrs. 5’2” graduated in the UK She is engaged in the family business as a Director & resides in Sri Lanka inherits substantial assets. Please reply with all clear details in the first letter confidentiality strictly assured, email:
[email protected]
Maharagama respectable family seeks well-educated B/G handsome son for our very pretty daughter 5’5”, 34+ MSc educated and employed in Melbourne. Will be visiting Sri Lanka end of October. Email:
[email protected]
Malay parents are looking a partner for their daughter well educated attached to the government bank Age 25yrs, 5’2’’, fair looking for person with good education back ground. contact 0112435322
Moor family living in Australia is seeking a professional for daughter 25, 5’2”, pretty, professionally qualified, employed and with good religious values. She owns 2 storied house in Dehiwala. The prospective groom should be willing to relocate. Email:
[email protected] or call 081-23883263.
Moor mother seek a partner for daughter 34yrs 5’4” religious& well educated dowry
[email protected] 0112718236.
Moor well connected family seeks a well educated groom for their 30 year old youngest daughter, 5’3” fair, doctor by profession working in a government hospital & willing to migrate if needed. If interested please email:
[email protected]
Moor well connected professional parents seek religious educated partner for their religious, educated, pretty daughter, age 27+height 5’2’’. Please reply with full details owning assets.
[email protected]
Muslim parent in Kurunegala seeks a qualified groom for daughter born in 1982, medium complexioned, 5’4” B.Sc, PGDE teacher. Email:
[email protected]
Parents seek a suitable groom for daughter educated and employed in Australia. Our daughter is fair with pleasing features. The prospective groom must be a citizen of Australia or NZ who is well established in his chosen career. He would ideally be between 32 and 38 years of age. Please forward family details with horoscope to
[email protected]
Pretty slim fair young looking 5’ 3” 1971 born accountancy professional B/G family seeks suitable partner.
[email protected]
Professional handsome son around 36 over 5’ 6” preferably Australian PR holder sought for smart graduate daughter 34, 5’ 5” well employed in Australia. She is divorced with no encumbrances. Reply with horoscope.
[email protected]
Respectable Kandyan Govi mixed Buddhist professional parents seek a suitable partner for their well brought up 5’2” fair pleasant 34 years old daughter who is having a PhD and presently working in the University in Sri Lanka. Please reply with family details and horoscope. Email:
[email protected]
Respectable moor family seeks an educated groom for their 27 years old pretty, slim and fair daughter.
[email protected]
Respectable Wealthy Sinhalese G/B parents in Colombo seeks for their well educated good looking only daughter 34 years, 5’4” height suitable well employed professional or educated established businessman of sober habits & good character. Email Address:
[email protected]
Retired Govi Buddhist parents seek for their only child employed science graduate, 5’4”,30-years, pretty, a suitable employed groom from Central, Wayamba or Sabaragamuwa Province.
Sinhala Romon Catholic parents seek son for daughter 22 yrs 5’4’’ tall possess a degree with (1st class). Presently reading for MBA. Email:
[email protected]
Well educated G/B respectable parents close to Colombo, father retired engineer seek a well qualified professional partner from a respectable family with good human values for their daughter (only child) educated in a highly reputed Buddhist School BSc in IT holding a higher position in a reputed company in Colombo, 5’ 4”, 1984 October, pretty, fair, slim with unblemished character holding PR in Australia. Please reply with details & horoscope to Email:
[email protected]