Seyacolor opts for modern photo album printer
An HD quality, seven-colour professional digital photo album printer,
Canon Dream Labo 5000 was launched recently by printing lab Seyacolor
with Canon and Metropolitan.

Director, Seyacolor Labs, Athula P. Dias receives the Canon
Dream Labo 5000
certificate from Canon official Hirobumi Tsuga. Pic: Mahinda
Vithanachchi |
The Canon Dream Labo has a single side photo print speed of 2,330
prints per hour and a double side print speed of 1,000 prints per hour
in a variety of print qualities from lustre, gloss, satin and metallic.
Director, Seyacolor Labs, Athula P. Dias said, "We have again
strengthened our market by launching the world's best photofinishing
system 'Canon Dream Labo 5000' for the first time in Sri Lanka. I am
confident that Seyacolor will take the local photo printing industry to
a new era."
Seyacolor and Sarasavi Color Laboratory (Pvt) Ltd., is a subsidiary
of the Sarasavi Group of Companies. Seya Color is one of the pioneer
companies which launched colour processing and printing in Sri Lanka a
few decades ago at Nugegoda.
Managing Director, Metropolitan Office (Pvt) Ltd., Ivor Maharoof
said, "This installation marks a new beginning of high quality photo
printing as the Canon Dream Labo 5000 is far ahead in printing and
processing technology. As the sole authorised distributor for Canon,
Metropolitan is proud to be a part of this landmark achievement in the
digital photo printing industry." Head of Production and Graphic Art,
Metropolitan Office (Pvt) Ltd., Kevin La-Faber said, "This installation
will redefine the limits of photo printing in Sri Lanka."
Over the years, Metropolitan has supported the development of the
photography and printing industries in numerous ways including skills
enhancement, overseas exposure, technical knowledge enhancement and
output quality improvement.