Easter: What does it mean to a Christian?
by Timothy A. Edward
The angel answered and said to the women, fear not for I know you
seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen as He
said. (Matthew 28:5-6)

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To a Christian, the resurrection of Christ means that we are
reconciled to God; we are set free and have an Intercessor, who
intercedes on our behalf even at this very moment.
We are reconciled to God
When Jesus rose from the dead, he opened a way for believers to have
a living relationship with God the Father through the Holy Spirit by
faith in the completed works of Christ. According to the Scriptures,
Jesus came into this world so that men and women can be made alive to
God and to the things of God. A loving God sent His Son Jesus to die on
a cruel cross on our behalf, so that we can be connect to God in a true
and living way. This is the reason why the Scriptures describe Him as
the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.
Whilst hanging on the cross Jesus took upon Himself the sins of the
entire world. How could this happen? He could do this because He was
sinless and He was the Son of God. When He took upon Himself the sins of
the world, He was separated from God the Father. Thus, He cried out in
agony, 'Why have you forsaken me?' He was forsaken and rejected of all
including His Heavenly Father, so that we could be reconciled to God and
be accepted as His children.
As Jesus Christ cried out 'It is finish' on Calvary, the following
great spiritual exchanges were brought to a culmination on behalf of
mankind. He was punished that we might be forgiven for our sins and the
iniquities of sins. He was wounded that we might be healed and have a
healthy life all throughout life. Jesus tasted death that we could live
forever with Him, even after we die. As He hung on that cruel cross, He
became a curse that we could inherit the blessings mentioned in the
Bible whilst on earth and be a blessing to everyone we come in contact
with in life. On that cross, he experience abject poverty; poverty at
its cruellest form, so that when we believe in Him our needs could be
provided for. He bore our shame, so that we no longer need to carry the
sting of shame in our lives; but rather experience His unconditional
forgiveness and acceptance. Only after Jesus accomplished all these and
more, that He breathed His last and gave up His Spirit.
We are set free
The Bible says in Ephesians 4:7-10, when Jesus Christ rose from the
dead on the third day, He broke the power of death, took the keys of
death from Satan and led the captives free. He rose from the dead
victorious. This is exactly what He meant when people asked Him, "What
miraculous sign can you show us to prove that you are the Son of God?"
He said, 'Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.'
(John 2:9). The Scriptures tell us that God loved all of us so much that
He gave His Son, His one and only Son, so that no one needs to be
destroyed or die without having a daily living relationship with God.
We have an Intercessor
The Bible also tells us that at present, Jesus Christ is seated at
the right hand of God the Father, interceding for all of us who believe
in Him. He knows how weak and fragile we are because He was tempted at
all points like us, yet without sin. So, we have a living, risen Saviour
in the person of Jesus Christ who is interceding on our behalf in
heaven, day in and day out, pleading our case before God's mercy seat.
So, when we approach God through Jesus Christ, God our loving heavenly
Father, looks at us through the eyes of Jesus' accomplished work on the
Cross and opens His portal of heaven over us.
The only requirement is that we stop doubting and start believing on
all what Jesus Christ has accomplished for us through His life, death
and resurrection.
The Risen Saviour is eagerly waiting for us to open our lives to His
warm and loving embrace. He wants us to live this life with His help,
guidance and provision and does not expect us to live it on our own
strength. He wants us to experience His love, forgiveness, blessing,
direction, guidance, presence and power upon our lives now. He does not
condemn us.
He only wants us to believe in Him and appropriate what He
accomplished on Calvary as our inheritance in Christ and move forward
with the gift of life. Because He is alive; we can live our life to the
fullest here on earth now and for all eternity.
(The writer is a trainer, human resources
practitioner and business consultant) |