10 simple tips to help you pay attention:
by Henrik Edberg
One social habit many of us are quite bad at is truly listening when
others speak. You sometimes tend to zone out, get distracted or your
attention starts to wander before they are done talking.

Multi-ethnic business people meeting in office |
Or you just wait for your turn to talk again (while thinking about
what you should say next).
This is not very helpful. So let’s change things with these 10 simple
tips that that are guaranteed to make you become a better listener.
1. Keep in mind: Listening is win/win
Many may not listen that well because they think they don’t get much
out of it to personally.
But the better you listen, the better they will listen to you. And
the better and deeper the relationship will be. If you focus on
understanding him or her and on giving value based on that then you’ll
get the same thing back.
This reminder has been a powerful motivator for many to become better
2. Tell yourself that you’ll tell someone else about this conversation
later on
One of the best ways to remember something better is to know that you
are going to tell what you learned to someone else.
Then you’ll be more alert, naturally start asking more questions to
understand and what is said – in my experience – simply seems to stick
Plus, you’ll stop focusing so much on what to say next and so the
conversation tends to flow better.
3. Keep the eye-contact
Looking everywhere except at the person talking, can make it seem
like you are not listening. And then the conversation suffers.
keep the eye-contact. It is easier to start doing this more often when
* Take it step-by-small-step and improve eye-contact time in
conversations over the span of a few months.
*Focus you gaze at just one of the other person’s eyes at time.
4. Keep that smart phone away
Browsing the internet on your phone or your computer while trying to
listen usually leads to missing some part of the conversation and to the
person talking feeling like he or she is not listened to.
So put that phone down while listening if you don’t need it to check
something or write something down as a part of the conversation.
5. Summarise what was said
Taking a few seconds to summarise what someone just said – like a
longer segment about what happened at work or in a relationship – makes
it a lot easier to make sure you’ve understood what happened.
When you say that summary out loud the other person can adjust or
correct your understanding and so you can add yuour perspective,
thoughts or questions in a better way based on that rather than your
assumptions about what happened and of how the other person’s
experienced this situation.
Or you can take some kind of action based on what they actually meant
and not what you thought they meant (for example in a work setting where
a misunderstanding could lead to frustration and time lost if you
6. Ask instead of trying to mind-read
Reading someone’s mind is quite difficult. Most of the time
impossible. Still, so many of us have tried to do it and started
conversations based on that too many times.
So when you feel impulse to assume and mind-read stop that and start
being curious and ask open-ended questions. Going for this kind of
question instead of the ones where the other person can just answer a
yes or a no will help him/her to open up and to start explaining and
sharing what is going on.
7. Get some fresh air and/or exercise
Few things make it so hard to follow along in a conversation as a
tired and foggy head.
Two things that can keep that energy and mental clarity up are to
open a window or to take a walk outside to get both some exercise and
some fresh air.
Exercising regularly a bit more intensely a few times a week also
makes it easier to fully be there when you want to and need to listen.
8. When you listen, just listen
Don’t interrupt. Don’t jump in with solutions (this one can be a hard
one in my experience).
Just be present in the moment and listen fully to what the other
person has to say and let him or her speak until the entire message is
Sometimes that is also all that’s needed. For someone to truly listen
as we vent for a few minutes and figure things out for ourselves.
9. Be honest about your current limitations
If you’re in a rush or feel very tired or stressed out let the other
person know. If you have listened for long while and your mind has hit
its limit and starts to wander and you need a break and maybe something
to eat and to process what said as you do something else say that too.
It is better for the both of you to be honest and to continue the
conversation later then try to fake undivided attention or to try to
keep the listening up when you honestly just can’t.
10. Share what you have done in a similar situation
When asked for advice while listening or when it seems appropriate –
not when the other person just needs to vent and get things out – share
what you have done in the same situation or a similar one and what
worked well for you.
That gives a lot more weight to your input than just random advice or
opinions about what you think could work.
(The writer is a 34-year -old journalism major from Sweden, who has
dived into the topic of personal development, which has seen him
learning from his own experiments and experience and figuring out how to
build a better life. This article is one of his building a better life
experiences) |