International Women's Day!
Two of Sri Lanka's path-breakers who created new frontiers for women
looking for exciting career options, shared their experience and journey
to success with the women staffers of ShipXpress, on March 8, when the
Colombo office of the leading provider of cloud-based software solutions
celebrated International Women's Day.
The two women, Menaka Fernando, the first female pilot in Sri Lanka,
and Nilusha De Silva, business analyst turned founder and owner of
Skrumptious, while sharing their experiences, provided some tips on how
to go after their dreams and hone their skills.
ShipXpress is headquartered in Neptune Beach, Florida with over 30
staff members in the US, while its technology, financial, and marketing
wing is based in Colombo, employing over 160 staff members.

Menaka Fernando |

Nilusha De Silva |