[Sunday Goz]
VJ vs. the Martial
A heated verbal battle occurred between the martial Marshal and his
arch-enemy VJ-Dasa at the Cabinet meeting this week over a Cabinet paper
presented by the latter. VJ-Dasa was livid as he thought the martial
Marshal was protesting the Cabinet paper for the sake of opposing it,
without any logical reasons.
However, the rest of the Cabinet members were seen chuckling while
the two ministers fired salvos at each other, resembling the famous vel
vidané press conference. Finally, the Big Boss had to intervene and stop
the cat-fight between the two Cabinet colleagues as the ministers had
more important matters to discuss.
Western conspiracy
It is now common knowledge that two big-wigs of the Abhayaramaya
cabal - namely Gommang-pila and Ban-Doola, the pseudo economist - lost
their baggage at the Geneva airport when they visited the city to meet
the union of parliamentarians. As a result, the two so-called patriots
had to buy everything - from their toothbrushes to undies - from Geneva
and for the first time in his life, Gommang-pila had to wear a European
suit for an official event. However, the one who gained a lot of fun out
of this ill-fortune was the Dull man, their own Abhayarama colleague who
led the three-member delegation to Geneva. He remarked that the
‘misplacement’ of baggage was a Western conspiracy to force Gommang-pila
to wear a European suit!
Bureaucracy socks!
Two top power and energy officials got an earful from the PM last
Monday after they were summoned for a meeting at Temple Trees. Before
the meeting, the PM got to know that the CEB had ‘suppressed’ a report
made by a team of experts on the circumstances leading to the all-island
power outage two weeks ago.
The CEB had suppressed the report as it found fault with some top
officials in the power and energy sector for non-maintenance of
transformers. Interestingly, the PM had access to the report and the two
officials were dumbstruck when they got to know that the PM had read the
‘suppressed’ report. The PM severely warned them and directed them to
“pull up their socks and work” to address “real problems” in the power
- Voyeur