Think 'jungle gym'
Women urged to stop talking about paths, ladders and
pipelines to success:
By Cara Moore
Women tend to start their working lives buoyed up with confidence,
enthusiasm and aspiration. We all know about the so-called career
'ladder' or 'pipeline' and we start looking around for ways to get on
the bottom rung - and scale it.
But it's not always that easy. Women are still the primary caregivers
when it comes to children and other family members - and these
commitments can easily throw even the most linear career path off
That can be down to discrimination - an Equality and Human Rights
Commission study last year found that 54,000 women are forced out of
their jobs due to maternity discrimination each year - the cost of
childcare and even our own limitations.
Many women are unprepared for the emotional tug that becoming a
parent brings; the havoc that hormones can play and the guilt and
exhaustion that can overwhelm.

Women should think in terms of jungle gyms, not linear
career paths NUMEN/CATERS |
This coupled with the cost of childcare and the expense of commuting
means that many women run an emotional and financial equation through
their minds - frequently resulting in pressing the pause button on their
"There's no miracle solution and it's not always easy. But with the
right approach, it is possible to have a career on your own terms."
And while all this is completely understandable, the danger is that
the chink of decreased self-confidence and self-belief, from having been
out of the workplace, grows into a gremlin - and many women, who want
to, don't return to their careers at all.
Confidence gap
Research shows that the confidence gap between men and women is not a
myth and that it exists even before a woman dips out of her career.
Having a career break can turn that gap into a gulf.
At Voice at the Table - the leadership company where I am Head of the
Training Academy for Professional Women - we believe women can have
successful careers without having to compromise who they are outside
The key is to ditch everything you think you know about how
progression should look. Women need to stop talking about 'paths',
'ladders' and 'pipelines'. Instead, think of your career as a jungle gym
- where progress is less linear and more lateral, with side steps, dips
and the occasional pause to take in the view.
It's an analogy that works for women with families and millennials,
struggling to get a foothold in their chosen field during the economic
Thinking about your career this way is far less scary than constantly
striving for the next step. It allows for creative thinking, space and
the consideration of new opportunities that might, at first, seem
In her book 'Lean In', Sheryl Sandberg writes: "A jungle gym scramble
is the best description of my career. I could never have connected the
dots from where I started to where I am today."
Men and women are different - and so are their careers - and many
women 'on-ramp' and 'off-ramp' at points during their career path.
Of course, women should feel they can go all out for their careers,
as any man might. But given the tugging and conflicting priorities on
our time, it doesn't have to be done in the same way - there's not just
one formula for success.
I don't regret my career break to 'be there' for my children, but I
do regret how complete the break was. I also regret not being brave
enough to have those conversations about how I could have stayed
involved with my employer in some way - not just in terms of pushing for
flexible working practices but also considering different roles that
would have been easier to manage for a few years.
It doesn't have to be that way. Women who keep a foot (or even just a
toe) on their career path and persevere through the guilt and sheer
exhaustion of juggling a demanding, responsible job and motherhood, get
to maintain their professional knowledge, confidence and financial
independence and are in the right place and ready to go for top
positions or join returners schemes, when their ties at home diminish.
Children grow up, plans change, lives take turns, partners can lose
their jobs, and worse. If you haven't kept your career on track,
resentment might set in that you 'gave up your career' and your earning
potential for something that hadn't materialised as hoped or planned. If
you're looking at your professional life as a series of obstacles to
overcome, some of which might take you sideways or down unexpected
routes, it becomes much easier to navigate and less pressurised.
Scaling down or taking a break is not the issue; the issue is not
giving a thought to the impact and cost that a complete break might have
on the future. Women's careers are not linear, nor do they have to be
'on or off'; so when the going gets tough, speak up, ask for flexible
working and consider taking a sideways move.
Look at your valuable career through a long lens (many women are
working into their seventies) and don't give up on it for short-term
reprieve, which may unwittingly sabotage your future success.
The jungle gym is yours to conquer - hang on with both hands.
(This article was originally featured in Telegraph