Tracing the Indian genome
by the South Asian Desk
A new genomic reconstruction of mainland India’s population shows the
Indian genome to be a blend of at least four dominant ancestries and not
just two, as reported by earlier studies.
Scientists at the National Institute of Biomedical Genomics (NIBG),
Kalyani, West Bengal state, who published their findings in Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences in January, found four ancestries —
Ancestral North Indian, Ancestral South Indian, Ancestral Austro-Asian
and Ancestral Tibeto-Burman — present in populations across India.
“The diversity was such that geographical distance did not mirror
genetic distance in the case of Indians,” Analabha Basu, Assistant
Professor at NIBG and lead author of the study, told SciDev.Net.
According to Basu, while the Iyer Brahmins of South India’s Tamil
Nadu State are geographically close to the Irula and Paniya tribals of
the Nilgiri Hills, genetically they are closer to the Brahmins of West
Both Iyers and Irulas have Ancestral North Indian genes, but in
varying degrees. Another finding of the study was that ancestries
mingled in India until caste-based endogamy was introduced about 1,600
years ago. This is particularly true of the priestly caste of Brahmins
who are at the top of the caste hierarchy.
Basu said that while the caste system became rigid about 70
generations ago, some form of endogamy was in operation prior to that,
leading to similarities in genetic makeup of groups now separated by
great distances.
Earlier studies limited the Indian genome to two ancestries for
specific reasons. “We were aware of other ancestries but we wanted to
highlight only the indigenous and founding ancestries of the Indian
population,” explained K. Thangaraj, who co-authored the studies in 2009
and 2013.
“Ancestral Tibeto-Burman, for instance, has more affinity to the
genetic makeup of people in South East Asia,” said Thangaraj. “On the
other hand, Ancestral South Indian, which has not been found outside
India so far, is 60,000 years old, and has affinity to the lineage of
tribes in the Andamans.”
The new study reconfirms earlier findings of affinity between the
ancestral lineage of Pacific Islanders and the Andaman and Nicobar
tribes. Earlier studies had also linked Australian aborigines to the
Kurumba tribes of Kerala.
As India accounts for one-sixth of the world’s population, the new
findings are considered important to global studies of human genetic
variation. India has, so far, been underrepresented in global
genome-wide studies.