Quantum Leap training workshop ‘practical strategic planning’
Quantum Leap Training which is focused on crafting human solutions for
organisations and professionals in different spheres in Sri Lanka presents its
much looked forward to workshop, “Practical Strategic Planning” focused on
taking organisations to the next level of performance through effective
strategizing techniques on 03 June 2016 at the Galadari Hotel.
Conducted by Strategist, Change agent, Proven contemporary Practitioner and
Master Trainer Tilan Wijeyesekera, this full-day workshop will focus on
Practical Strategic Planning techniques required to make organisations more
attuned to the market place dynamics which in turn would assist organisations to
effectively strategise towards greater success with strong implementation and
control mechanisms. Anyone interested in attending the workshop could call
0774750450 for details.
The workshop deals with real world issues and examples faced by Sri Lankan
organisations which need to be addressed in a pro-active manner with a
structured approach, leaving room for greater flexibility to move with the times
while creating a planning and performance management culture to bring in greater
results for organisations.
Today’s market place is changing at a rapid pace with many formerly successful
organizations falling by the way-side and new champions of business emerging
through greater innovations, disruptions and differentiators which are making
conventional organisations irrelevant to their stakeholders changing needs. A
new breed of entrepreneurs in the form of start-ups are also immerging but
suffer from lack of practical experience which keeps the success rate of
ventures quite low. |